Hey list,

A number of things to cover. Please read on.

New Zealand:
I am stunned by the RSVPs for the upcoming meeting in Wellington. By my 
reckoning, over 50 people will attend next Thursday evening and it's their 
first meeting. You Kiwis! Always a surprise up your sleeves. Mike Brown and 
Terry Wood have certainly earned their places in the WSG core team. If only my 
passport was current... That's going to be some party!

Next year is going to be very interesting for meeting groups. We will be 
starting Perth and Canberra in the new year and there have been quite a few 
other cities suggested in the survey (see below).

If you're in the Dallas or Fort Worth region, you should have received an 
off-list email about a potential meeting. I have only had two responses so far 
so please let me know if you're interested or if you're not interested so I 
know not to ask again ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

With over 100 posts a day lately, it's time again to ask that we cut down on 
frivolous posts. One of the most frequent complaints we get is about the 
signal-to-noise ratio on the list.

Please stay on topic, no matter how clever your reply is. Send it back to the 
sender for a laugh, not the list please.

We're not trying to stifle on-topic posts in any way. Signal is good, noise is 
bad. (Community is good too... Laughter is the best medicine (*(c) Readers 
Digest?)... Torn now... Noise is bad, let's leave it there.) If you have a 
question, please ask it, that's what the list is for.

If you're just thanking someone for their input, do it directly. We can all 
assume you are being courteous and don't need to see it on the list.


* Turn off "read receipt" requests when posting to WSG. This is a daily 
problem for me as I get most of the receipts (to the list's reply address).
* If you're going away over the holiday season and will be setting a vacation 
message, please unsubscribe before you do or send me an email 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) asking to be temporarily suspended and then remind me when 
you return to reinstate your subscription. We will terminate the membership of 
any member that has "Out-of-office" or "vacation" messages without notice from 
now on.
* Please try to remember to set your message to plain text. HTML email causes 
sooo many issues on a list. We are still waiting for SmarterTools to give us 
the option of forcing only the plain text component of posts to the mailing 
list. This may be a while yet.

Subject lines:
Far too many "Site check please" (or similar) subject lines lately.

People are happy to check your site and report back (hopefully directly to you 
and not the list unless there is a real lesson for everyone to learn and 
certainly NOT "Looks fine to me" replies) but it would help if you point out 
in the subject exactly what you need help with.

So, "Site check - webboy.net - Nav may be an issue" is far better than just 
"Site check" (and no, I don't want an appraisal of my website, we know it 
needs work but it's way down the list :)

Please remember to validate your mark-up/css and repair any errors before 
asking for help (unless you need help with the validator results) and please 
supply a link to the site/page AND the css file (if the css isn't contained in 
the head of the same page).

This is a very important step. A lot of the problem you are wanting solved may 
well be caused by invalid mark-up. It also shows others that you are making a 
concerted effort and are not asking people to do your coding for you.

If you haven't already responded, can I remind you about the WSG Member 

http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=44544720503 (yes we know but the reporting 
this system does is excellent)

The results of this survey will help shape the future of the group and the 
suggestions we are getting are fantastic. We have had responses from about 10% 
of the membership (by numbers) and the bigger the sample and range of ideas, 
the better the result. If there's something you don't (or do) like, please use 
this opportunity to let us know.

We will be making significant changes to the website and membership process 
over the holiday season, and many of the changes will come from the 
suggestions in the survey. If you don't speak up now, your suggestions will 
not be part of the process.

Play nice on the list please. Telling someone their site is "crap" is not nice 
(even if it is crap) and we will not be tolerating on-list rudeness any more. 
It's far easier to dump an ill-mannered poster than to put up with it and the 
successive posts (on- and off-list).

As suggested, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing". The only type of 
criticism on the list should be constructive criticism.

That is all...


The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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