OK, folks,

Because I'm nuts (and to aid our hapless Australian Communications Authority) I've taken on the challenge from Ryan Christie, and rebuilt the ACA website's front page.

Issues (anyone welcome to help here):

1) I don't know Javascript. I've taken Ben Boyle's cascading menu from here http://inspire.server101.com/js/mb/ , given a few tweaks to the CSS, and bunged it in the page. Looks great in Safari and Opera 7.5. In my IE 6 test machine, however,the CSS formatting breaks if there's a Flash item on the page. (So I've removed it. Weird.)

2) There's a small glitch in Firefox in the left hand menu, on rollover. Each of the "li a" elements has a bottom border of 1px solid. This only displays correctly if the "a" elements (which are padded to the desired depth to make them "live" for IE over their whole area) have transparent backgrounds. Otherwise the background colour of the "a" elements masks some of the horizontal lines. But I can't prevent this in the li a.visible:hover links. So some of them disappear on rollover.

Having completed it, I now discover that the ACA site is now working in Safari. Not in IE 5 Mac, but the flyout uls in my version of Ben's menus have a strange way of disappearing on rollover in that browser. (Sigh).


(cf http://www.aca.gov.au/ )

-Hugh Todd

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