Hello all,

I hope I can explain this clearly enough because, due to the content, I can't easily post a page for you to see...

I have a graphic horizontal nav bar (yes, I know. Moving on...) Each menu item has a dropdown that "flies" out. These fly-outs are currently divs containing a <ul> for the menu items. The code for these is like this:


<div class="menu" id="thismenu"> <ul> <li><a href="../dir/index.cfm">Account Team</a></li>



CSS ------------------

#thismenu{position:absolute; background-color:#fff; border:1px solid #ccc; width:134px; top:127px; left:0px; padding:0; margin:0; visibility:hidden; z-index:10;}

/* \*/
* html #thismenu{w\idth:122px;}
/* */

.menu ul{font:10px/12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; list-style-type:none; padding:0; margin:0; text-align:left;}
.menu ul li{padding:0; margin:0;}
.menu ul li a{display:block; color:#000; width:100%; padding:4px 8px 4px 8px; margin:0; text-decoration:none;}
.menu ul li a:hover{display:block; color:#d4001a; width:100%; padding:4px 8px 4px 8px; margin:0; text-decoration:none;}
html>body .menu li a {width:auto;}
html>body .menu li a:hover {width:auto;}


Due to a client revision (this would be fun if not for clients), we are looking to have these menus (well, one of them anyway) be able to expand horizontally to accomodate the length of menu items entered in by the client through a CMS. When I remove the widths that are defined for the div, all is well in Safari, FF(mac) and NN7 Win. The menu (and containing div) expand horizontally to allow for a long link. But in IE Win (and maybe others) the fly-out menu width expands out to the far right edge of the page.

With me?

 so... any way to get IE Win to do what I am after?



Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
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