OK, so maybe I'm a little too bored/geeky for my own good...
The following code fixes something that's been bugging me for a while.
Everyone but IE seems to be able to use the "content" attribute in CSS.
This bit of _javascript_ basically fixes that. Read the comments in the code and have a play with it.
:::::: CODE ::::::
/*// Print our HREFs on Links for Print StyleSheet
There's a cool bit of CSS that shows a link's URL after it:
 a:after { content:" [" attr(href) "] " }
Great for Print StyleSheets, but unfortunately MSIE doesn't implement this.
So here's some code that replicates that functionality for all browsers  :o)
On the plus side, it also lets you style the URL anyway you want,
instead of having it relegated to part of the link itself.
function showHREF() {
 if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
  >  whichLink = onlyContentLinks.getElementsByTagName("a");
  for (var i=0; i<whichLink.length; i++) {
   useLink = whichLink[i];
   showLink = useLink.getAttribute("href")
   // This is for FireFox to get the whole URL if it's a link to a page within your own site
   if (useLink.getAttribute("rel") != "external") {
   // NOTE: this assume you are using rel="external" for external links
   // You can swap this with...
   // if (useLink.getAttribute("target") != "_blank") {
    // Because MSIE will show the full path we have to crop it
    checkShow = showLink.lastIndexOf("/");
    showLink = showLink.substring(checkShow+1,showLink.length);
    // Because FireFox doesn't, we have to add it
    lastSlash = document.location.href.lastIndexOf("/");
    directory = document.location.href.substring(0,lastSlash);
    // Our funky complete URL for internal pages
    showLink = directory + '/' + showLink;
   newSpan = document.createElement("span");
   showTitle = document.createTextNode(' [' + showLink + ']');
   // Don't forget to put .printLink in both
   // your screen and print stylesheets
Richard   :o)

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