On 5/23/06, Steve Kieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there any effort to bind wxAUI yet?

I do not use it, so no, not that I know of.

I am actually making the .i file and got stuck in several  points, one is as
I do not know ho to export this declaration in .h file to .i

WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxPaneButton, wxPaneButtonArray);

to  make the type wxPaneInfoArray known to the generate bind script.

Take a look at wxArrayInt or wxArrayString in
bindings/wxwidgets/data.i. Basicly, the class is generated by a macro
or if wxUSE_STL (or whatever it's called) it's just a stl::vector
IIRC. Pick the functions you want to wrap (not all may be needed) from
the docs for wxArray.

-John Labenski

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