Hi Samo,

Sorry to hear that you are running into these issues.

The situation with X2Go Client for Windows and X servers is this:
We support using an external X server, but we both bundle and maintain
VcXsrv on a 1.15.2.x branch.[1] We intend to make any source code
changes necessary to VcXsrv to fix integration issues with X2Go. In
fact, we already made one X2Go integration change (bug #594,

However, those changes are slow to be made because we have few
developers who spend pro bono time maintaining X2Go Client for
Windows. Patches are welcome. These bugs/issues can also be fixed on

So in conclusion, we do intend to fix these issues, regardless of what
piece of software is at fault. However, we cannot give an ETA.


[1] The VcXsrv 1.15.x branch we are maintaining is here:
We may rebase to a newer VcXsrv branch soon.
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