Am 14.11.2014 um 05:49 schrieb Mike Gabriel:

I guess this is the best analysis on what happens in NX around
keyboard stuff, I have ever read. Thanks for that very good tutorial.

That's what I was thinking when I read it, too ;-) But I'll have to read it 
again to fully get into it.

Now about fixing the bug.

I really think we should get evdev support into NX. What do you think?

But for now... so that I get a deeper feeling for this... Could you
provide a recipe for setting the correct / transparent keyboard setup
in the X2Go Session?

A sequence of commands on the client-side, a sequence of commands on
the server-side, something like that...

Man setxkbmap states this:


If you have an Xserver and a client shell running on different computers and XKB
configuration files on those machines are different you can get problems 
specifying a keyboard map
by model, layout, options
names. This is because setxkbcomp converts these names to names of XKB 
files according to files that are on the client side computer, then it sends 
the file names to the
server where the xkbcomp
has to compose a complete keyboard map using files which the server has. Thus 
if the sets
of files differ significantly the names that the setxkbmap generates can be 
unacceptable on the
server side. You can
solve this problem by running the xkbcomp on the client side too. With the 
-print option
setxkbmap just prints the file names in an appropriate format to its stdout and 
this output can be
piped directly to the
xkbcomp input. For example, the command

setxkbmap us -print | xkbcomp - $DISPLAY

makes both steps run on the same (client) machine and loads a keyboard map into 
the server.


Wouldn't this bypass all this setxkbmap names and files altogether?

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