James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> > . . . just pick two RPM-based distributions and try to install
> > packages from one in the other.
> > 
> Fragmentation will kill Linux and that is what we are here to fix.
> Yes!!!! You have correctly stated the problem which XDG needs to address
> and solve.  If 3rd party (commercial) applications are to succeed for
> Linux based systems, there must be a way for them to install on any
> system using at the most an RPM and a Deb package (or a Deb the can be
> converted with Alien).

That's why LSB exists.

LSB defines, that LSB conforming distribution must have rpm command,
which must be able to install RPM packages.

As Debian based distributions already got the certification (and for
Debian itself it's in progress), I see no problem with this concept for
third party packages.


- LSB does not say any single word, how to implement rpm command.

- LSB defines a set of libraries, which must be available on the system.
  Applications, which want to be certified or run on all certified
  distributions, simply must not depend on any other libraries.

- LSB certification process freezes the library ABI and it can not
  change standardized functions in future.

Best Regards / S pozdravem,

Stanislav Brabec
software developer
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o.                          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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