On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 16:23, Lukas Oesterreicher wrote:
> I am using the WebDocletTask to generate struts-config.xml and
> validation.xml.
> Some actions use various ~Env.java files which extend EnvironmentMgr.
> Unfortunately EnvironmentMgr is found in a seperate .jar file which
> for unfortunate
> reasons I cannot pass to the ant taskdef tag. I can also not add the
> file to the fileset
> beacause I only have the compiled version.
> This makes me wonder why such classes have to be know by the
> strutsconfigxml task anyway.
> Can you explain?

That particular subtask probably doesn't need to know them.  However,
xjavadoc (the parser) knows nothing about any of the subtasks, so when
it finds a reference to "EnvironmentMgr" in a class it's processing and
can't find that class in the fileset or classpath, it has to guess what
package it's in.  If there was an explicit import of that class in the
Env files, it would be able to figure it out.  Otherwise, it can't know
for certain what package it belongs to - it could be the same package as
the class being processed, it could be at the top level (i.e. no
package), or it could be in any package for which there's a wildcard
import e.g. "import java.util.*;"  Without more information to go on, it
just assumes it's in the same package as the class it's parsing.  Since
this may not be correct, it displays the warning you see in the output.

If you want to get rid of the warning, add a fully-qualified reference
to the Mgr class in your Env files.


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