On 09/12/2022 19:07, Tuff Contender wrote:

On 08/12/2022 09:22, Tuff Contender wrote:
The code on XeTeX - Unicode-based TeX / Code / [bc89c7] (sourceforge.net)
<https://sourceforge.net/p/xetex/code/ci/master/tree/> seems not up to
date, since the last modification is on 2020-01-20.
[image: image.png]
Where should I submit a merge request to?

What makes you think it's not up-to-date? (Other than some TL version
strings, I imagine this is the same code as in TL, etc.) That said, I'd
likely look to send a patch in the first instance to TL, as it tends to
be the place that any changes actually happen.
I viewed the page https://sourceforge.net/p/xetex/code/ci/master/tree/
and found the last change is on 2020-01-20, here's the snapshot

Sure: I only meant that as far as I know, there have been no changes in XeTeX since them. I was wondering why you thought there might be.


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