
I installed Debian two days ago, installed the xfree 86 but have now problems with all 
the functions on my keybord, alt funtions don't work anymore, my mouse can not scroll 
if I try it with the wheelmouse.

this is what I get when i try ti change the settings of the keyboard:

Error activating XKB configuration.
Probably internal X server problem.

X server version data:
The XFree86 Project, Inc
You are using XFree 4.3.0.
There are known problems with complex XKB configurations.
Try using simpler configuration or taking more fresh version of XFree software.
If you report this situation as a bug, please include:
- The result of xprop -root | grep XKB
- The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb

can you help me to get the keyboard and the mouse working properly?

I'm completely new in Linux, Debian.

greetings, guidoke

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