Hi all,

I've just installed RedHat 8.0 and there's a problem with the XFree86 setup.

Essentially the problem is:
- Checkered backgrounds for various windows (but not for all). It makes most of the apps such as OpenOffice basically unreadable. Gnome menu items are fine, but KDE are completely checkered except for the currently highlighted item.

When I had RH7.1 (and also after updating this with the latest rpm available for that distribution from rpmfind.net) I had a very similar problem which was fixed by downloading & installing XFree86-SVGA-3.3.6-38.i386.rpm and consequently running "Xconfigurator --kickstart" as root and then rebooting.

However, I can't seem to locate a similar package for the RH8.0 distribution. There's no similar package on the CDs, nor does a google search turn up anything. XFree86 (version 4.2.0) seems to be installed from the CD...

I've tried various monitor configurations using the "Gnome Menu > System Settings > Display" tool to no avail.

What can I do to set this all up properly? Thanks muchly...

Here's my details:

- The video card
(the output from SuperProbe from when I had 7.1 installed)...
root > SuperProbe
First video: Super-VGA
     Chipset: Cirrus CL-GD5430/40 (PCI Probed)
     Memory: 2048 Kbytes (Huge!)
     RAMDAC: Cirrus Logic Built-in 15/16/24-bit DAC
      (with 6-bit wide loopkup tables (or in 6-bit mode))

- Monitor:
Digital (PCXBV-YC)
38.10cm (15-inch, 14-inch max viewable non-glare, non-static)
Active area: 28.45 x 21.34 cm (11.2 x 8.4 in)
Video Signal: 0.7V p-p R, G, B color; separate Sync (+ve or -ve); 75 ohm TTL, composite sync or sync on Green
HScanRate: 30-60KHz
VScanRate: 50-110Hz

        AMD Athlon XP 1800+
        MotherBoard: Gigabyte GA-7VAX1394

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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