On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Branko Tanovic wrote:

> I am running an remote client stations (LTSP)
> I do not use SWAP on this station pecose there are
> netboots and i have to use NFS_SWAP from the server.
> Whats is the problem anyway
> On netboot clients I have only 32MB of ram and what
> happens is that when I work in X last say open
> lot of mozilla browsers.
> The Xfree86 mem usage starts to grow
> and finaly rich its limit and crash.
> The soulution to this is workourund use_the_nfs_swap
> but my booting is then slow and i do not wanna to use
> nfs_swap.
> Is there anyway how can stop my Xfree86 from using more
> memory (not to cache something in ram like fonts pixmap etc..)?
> and not crushing with out of use of nfs_swap.

I don't think there is anything you can do.

It sounds as though the memory is used up by the windows and 
pictures created by mozilla.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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