
I have the following problem with the latest racer (www.racer.nl) on my
A31/ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 32 MB:

1) no smooth display (choking)
2) 8 fps on default gfx.ini (finetuning doesnt help much)
3) radeonUploadTexImages: ran into bound texture

this is my Device:

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "ATI Radeon Mobility 7500"
        #Driver "vesa"
        #Driver "fbdev"
        #Driver "ati"
        Driver  "radeon"
        Option  "EnablePageFlip"
        #Option "UseFBDev"      "true"
        #Option "AGPMode"       "4"
        Option  "AGPFastWrite"  "1"
        #Option "SWcursor"      "1"
        #Option "AGPSize"       "64"
        #Option "RingSize"      "8"
        #Option "BufferSize"    "2"
        BusID           "01:00:0"

I found a thread on similar subject
but I havent concluded much.

aha, all my OpenGL programs work rather fine (all my own GL codes, but
also glxgears, tuxracer etc.).

can this be helped?
thanks a lot

-- ---------------------------------- Dominik Szczerba, Dr. CO-ME, D-ITET, ETZ F85 ETH, Gloriastr. 35 CH-8092 Zurich http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/~domi ---------------------------------- ii swear i never use vi^[:wqZZ ----------------------------------

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