
sorry for disturbing you, I write to you in the hope you can help me
solve one problem or to give me some informatioin sources where I can
read more or give me some reasonable contacts I can write to.

I use Debian Gnu/Linux kernel 2.4.20 and the Gnome Desktop 1.4.2.
There is a weather-applet, which is very nice, as I can get informatioin
about the weather outside :-)
So here is the problem.
When I use xfstt + xfs and try to load the wather-applet my X-Server is
freezing - I can't do anything. I login trough ssh and kill it than.
I read following message in my logs

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# less /var/log/kern.log
May 30 19:55:27 bendida kernel: ] *ERROR* r128_cce_start called without
lock held
May 30 19:55:27 bendida kernel: [drm:r128_cce_idle] *ERROR*
r128_cce_idle called without lock held
May 30 19:55:27 bendida kernel: [drm:r128_cce_reset] *ERROR*
r128_cce_reset called without lock held
May 30 19:55:27 bendida kernel: [drm:r128_cce_start] *ERROR*
r128_cce_start called without lock held
May 30 19:55:27 bendida kernel: [drm:r128_cce_idle] *ERROR*
r128_cce_idle called without lock held
May 30 19:55:27 bendida kernel: [drm:r128_cce_reset] *ERROR*
r128_cce_reset called without lock held

If I don't use the xfstt or don't load teh weather applet it's fine
I don't think it's a problem in the kernel drivers but perhaps in the
applet itself.
For now I decide using the xfstt and not the weather applet :-)

Anyway if you can help

thank you

+ Emanoil Kotsev - - - - -+
| tel. 0043(1)9253175     |
| cel. --------------     |

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