The XFree4 S3 driver doesn't work quite right on my #9 Motion 771.
The bottom 5th of the screen is not addressed properly in some
cases.  If I start the X server with no background bitmap or windows,
the "old" contents (from a rum with XF86_S3) of the frame buffer is
displayed in that region.  Windows seem to draw correctly there, but
also draw into the top portion of the screen.  This seems to only occur
in modes that require more than 2MB of RAM.

I've tried contacting the driver author and have even pinged this list
in the past with no luck.  My hope now is to find sufficient information
on the S3 968 so that I can fix this myself.  I've already spent some
time reviewing both the 3.3.6 driver that works and the XFree4 driver
that doesn't.  Unfortunately, both tend to use "magic numbers" for almost
all register modifications with little or no comments (What ever happend
to writing self-documenting code with constants that *mean* something -
ARGHHH!).  This makes it difficult to get far without chip docs.  8-)

Does anyone know where I might get docs for this chip?


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