
I was wondering if it is possible (and I know it is..) to hack the XFree86 code to make the virtual screen follow the mouse's cursor as if the screen's window mouvement was linked to the centered cursor. By that I mean that if I move the cursor, the whole zoomed section of the screen moves with the cursor. Then if the cursor reach a certain percentage of the zoomed screen' width and height it stops being linked so it becomes possible to move the cursor freely again..

The purpose of this is for a friend of mine who has 30% of his vision and is using UNIX. He needs his screen to be in very low resolution for him to see things clearly.

I am just asking a evaluation of how hard and how long might it takes to do such a job onto the XFree86 source code. I will do such modifications myself but I was hoping for you to give me a hand to publish the code and expose it on xfree.org to promote and help people with vision problems..

Thanks for your time,

Maxime Labelle - http://www.vt220.com

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