On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Steve Kleiser wrote:

http://www.xfree86.org/4.4.0/manindex4.html lists a man page for s3 virge, but not for other chip sets (in my case, Vision 968 on a Stealth64 VRAM PCI). I can load the module "s3" if I specify it explicitly, but have not yet been able to configure it. Is the 3.3.6 documentation still applicable?

I've also tried starting Xfree86 w/o any config file to let the server auto-configure, but to no avail. The resulting log file from that particular attempt is attached. The video card seems to appear at multiple bus addresses (and on buses 0, 64, and 65?). The lspci command shows the chip/card at PCI:0:6:0, which is the first of the probe results, but that doesn't appear to get chosen as "primary". And what are all those other probe results anyway?

I don't really see how these ghost devices could still be detected. Can you build from source? There're a few things I'd like you to try.



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