Hello All

I am new to the list. Working with a project (called
RULE i.e. Run Uptodate Linux Everywhere) using Redhat
9 on an old pentium classic with pci S3 virge card
(2MB) and 64MB main ram, for quite sometime now Xvesa
from kdrive (a.k.a. TinyX) has been working well with
icewm, fluxbox and even kde 3.1.

Living in Greece, I wanted to try through xkb to get
an additional layout for Greek. The first two binaries
downloaded from RULE were without xkb compiled in but
at my request a new binary was compiled with xkb.

If I were using XFree86 I would have in the keyboard
section of XF86Config

Option "XkbRules"   "xfree86"
Option "XkbModel"   "pc101"
Option "XkbLayout"   "us,el"
Option "XkbOptions"  "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

But Xvesa does not use this config file. Instead, I
have successfully been using extra parameters in the
startx script (in the days without xkb:)

defaultserverargs="-screen 800x600x24 -2button"

which was all that was needed to get a working
resolution and color depth while emulating a 3 button
mouse. Thus I guessed additional parameters in startx
might be the solution, but which ones?


talks about setxkmap and how to alternatively get the
options above to run but there doesn't seem to be a
setxkmap in my minimal system.

Suggestions anyone??


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