Bugzilla is quickly becoming the standard bug tracking system for large
open software projects. Originally developed by the Mozilla project, it
is now used by KDE, GNOME, Apache, AbiWord, Red Hat Linux, Conectiva
Linux, Gentoo Linux, Ximian, and many many others. XFree86, which is
fundamental to any free desktop/workstation Un*x system, doesn't have an
open bugtracking database (and, if some prior posts to this list are to
be believed, not a closed one either).

In my humble opinion as a user, this needs to change. In a prior post to
this mailing list, Kurt Wall has already offered to set up a BTS for

I suggest that someone in authority should contact Kurt
(kwall at kurtwerks dot com) and ask him if he is still up to the task.
A Bugzilla system would greatly benefit X' further development.

For the record, the official Bugzilla homepage is at:


Erik Moeller
FOKUS - Fraunhofer Insitute for Open Communication Systems
Project BerliOS - http://www.berlios.de

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