On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, F. Heitkamp wrote:

>> I'm working with current CVS without any patch and I don't see any crash. 
>> Frequently the distribution maintainers include patches to fix some issues 
>> with hardware but generally they also send it to the XFree86 developers so 
>> they are integrated into the main tree.
>I too have successfully installed X from CVS numerous times.
>> I think that the proper way to build XFree86, before do a 'make World', is at 
>> least read the documentation included in the distribution and look at the 
>> configuration options in xc/config/cf. Tell this to the folks at your local 
>> LUG.
>You should probably check for a custom host.def in your 
>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config directory.  I suppose there may
>be a custom one there.  You could use that for the new build.
>I usually move the installed XFree to a temporary location before
>attempting a permanent install. i.e. cd /usr/; mv X11R6 X11R6.bak;
>cd /path/to/build; make install;
>If the install goes off without a hitch and the new X runs OK, I
>them move the saved version back and do a make install over the
>top. I've noticed that sometimes even though the make World goes
>off without a hitch the make install will sometimes fail.

The problem with that though, is that XFree86 is not the only 
thing that plunks files under /usr/X11R6.  Many other 
applications infect the /usr/X11R6 heirarchy with their own 
files.  If you move the directory, these applications become 
inaccessible unless they are still in your path.

You can redefine ProjectRoot in host.def to make X install to a 
separate location however.

#define ProjectRoot /usr/local/X11R6
#define NothingOutsideProjectRoot YES
#define EtcX11Directory ProjectRoot/etc

Hope this helps.

Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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