| -----Original Message-----
 | [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Behalf Of Lars Martin
 | Sent: woensdag 27 februari 2002 13:09
 | Subject: Re: Bug with insert attributes with namespaces
 | Thanks Jeroen, do you think we're ready to create a new distribution?

The two bugs I found are now solved so I think we could release a new
distribution now.

There are other issues that I have addressed in the mailinglist but they
should be discussed more extensively before changing anything in the

Those issues are:

-Switching over to DOM2 compatibility only. That means removing the
createElement() and setAttributeNode() functions. The advantage is less
code and gaining full compatibilty with DOM2 (getLocalName() is not null
anymore for DOM2 applications without namespaces). The disadvantage is
losing DOM1-only compatibility. Personally I'm for losing DOM1-only
compatibility since it is in the way of full compatibility with a newer
version of the DOM standard.

-The position of namespace declaration when inserting elements that have
namespaces that do not exist yet in the "xupdated" document. I think we
should go for something similar to XSLT or the upcoming DOM3 LS

Also, I noticed that unit-test have dissappeared from the new
distribution. I would like to add new unit-tests based on the old
unit-tests, the unit-tests I added for X-Hive/DB binding of Lexus (the
ones I used to found the two bugs).


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