libXcursor has been integrated to the X consolidation in snv_74,
following the layout/packaging described in the ARC fasttrack at:

I believe that once this package is installed on systems used to
build GNOME packages, the community's autoconf scripts will start
using it, which may cause those packages to not work when installed
on older X builds, so beware.   (They were integrated into the base
X library packages, so no new package dependencies should be needed.)

Unfortunately, the packages they integrated into still contain
non-open-source bits, so we can't publish them externally yet,
but nightly builds are already available internally with these
packages, and the full biweekly build of X packages for snv_74 will
be available internally next week.    (External users should be able
to build the binaries from the X.Org sources either directly or using
the Project FOX build system if they can't wait until SXCE 74 is
released - we haven't applied any Sun-specific changes other than
the usual man-page tweaks for Solaris attributes & paths.)

X is also delivering the base set of cursor themes (whiteglass,
redglass, handhelds) provided by X.Org in /usr/share/icons/*/cursors,
but I doubt those are the best fit for the default GNOME themes,
so someone may want to look at packaging cursors with the GNOME
themes that better fit them.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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