Hi mamato,
I'm been using posicious for a couple of days now, and while it's taking me ages to arrange all the tags in a findable / makes sense manner, I'm noticing that this is like recreating my delicious bundles in a free form layout.
A useful feature would be, if posicious would read my bundles and put them in a cloud, then put the tags in that bundle randomly around the bundle word, or maybe have some way of clicking on the bundle so that it explodes the bundle into a cloud, like how http://www.quasimondo.com/tagnautica.php does it (but simpler).

Sent: Tuesday, 28 March 2006 5:18
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; discuss@del.icio.us
Subject: Re: [delicious-discuss] posicious: organize/visualize your tags

the greasemonkey script is useful for two reasons:
- it integrates posicious with delicious (adds a link to it next to "your bookmarks" so that you don't need two different bookmarks in your browser toolbar)
- it shows up the posicious cloud when you post using delicious.

you can still use posicious without the greasemonkey script... but you won't have those two features. you can still go to


or whatever your delicious login is and view/edit your cloud.

after using posicious for a few days now, the most useful thing i find about it is that:
- spending the time to arrange your tags helps clean them quite a bit.
- i also end up tagging things better because i understand better how i used to tag and thus try to stick to that way. basically i have a few umbrella tags which act as categories (ex. politics, culture, programming...) and a set of meta-tags (article, blog, reference...). for each post, i try to make sure i have a category tag and a meta-tag.

so i do quite appreciate the cloud view for posting (it also works great with recommended tags and tab completion). on the other hand i could probably deal with not using it all the time since i now have that posicious cloud map in mind...


On 3/27/06, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Mamat.

Very nice; that is exactly the sort of organization capability I am seeking.

However, I notice I have to install a couple scripts to organize my bookmarks. Being pretty new to this stuff, I am wondering, do I need to install the script ONLY on the computer from which I am doing the organizing, or must it also be installed on all computers from which I will be viewing my bookmarks too? (After all, if I organize bookmarks neatly, but then, when I am on the other side of the world using an Internet Cafe, if I am viewing a disorganized mess, I haven't gained a benefit).



--- On Sat 03/25,  < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From:  [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
To: discuss@del.icio.us
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 17:37:55 +0100
Subject: [delicious-discuss] posicious: organize/visualize your tags

here's a small app i've written that let's you move your tags around: http://mamato.webminutes.org/posicious/
let me know if you have problems, questions, comments, etc           mamat

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