On 12/22/07, Jan Pieter Kunst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/12/22, TjL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > A LAN sync for Yojimbo would make this a very merry Christmas...
> Just read on the Mark/Space site that a Leopard-compatible update for
> SyncTogether is forthcoming:
> https://www.markspace.com/leopard.html
> Note: LAN syncing with SyncTogether is not without its problems
> either, but my impression is that it is more reliable than .Mac
> syncing.

It would be hard to be less reliable than .Mac in my experience.

I'm giving serious thought to manually merging the database once and
then just setting up an email-to-Yojimbo that will work on my iMac and
send stuff from the other computers to it.


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