Mas Bambang yth,

Ini adalah pengelihatan sepihak dari saya. Memang sudah banyak terlihat
"desperation" semacam ini dari press luar negeri terutama USA. Tetapi ada
juga beberapa article disana yang mencoba memberikan justifikasi tentang
"keterbelakangan" Indonesia dalam menyikapi terrorist internasional. To a
certain extend is most likely correct.

* Politis: Megawati tidak bisa bersikap tegas seperti Suharto dulu, karena
dia tidak punya grass root mayoritas. Ada kekhawatiran kehilangan dukungan
polotik kalau dia terlalu tegas demi untuk tahun 2004 (analisa the New York
Times atau IHT?!).
* Confident pemerintah sekarang terlihat rendah dalam menyikapi suatu
tindakan secara tepat dan tegas. Ditambah dengan kepribadian Megawati yang
terlihat sampai sekarang ini. Sampai di Times magazines pernah ada suatu
"quips",--- Megawati by sitting down and quiet she got the presidency, after
became president she just sit and quiet---. Hal ini berbeda dengan kebiasaan
di US dan negara Barat lainnya dimana president atau Perdana Menteri sangat
menonjol didalam menentukan warna dan nuansa politis negaranya. Mereka
sebenarnya bingung....??!!
* Secara hukum memang terlihat ada daerah kelabu. Pertanyaannya adalah
apakah "Al Qaedah dan jaringannya "yang diakui" berbuat kriminil di Amerika,
serta "pernyataan" Indonesia setuju untuk memerangi terrorist International,
kalau ternyata dia (al Qaedah) pernah berhubungan dengan pihak di Indonesia
(untuk tujuan yang belum jelas secara bukti hukum), pihak tsb bisa langsung
ditahan atau ditangkap? Kalau "UU subversi" masih berlaku, mungkin bisa
dipakai sebagai alasan penahanan. Setahu saya di Inggeris ada semacam UU
"Internal Security atau Secrecy Act" untuk demi Keamanan Negara. Seseorang
bisa ditahan kalau malanggar UU ini. Dan ini juga ada dan berlaku di
Malaysia dan Singapore.
* Sesudah era Suharto (era reformasi) rasanya DPR kita sulit untuk
memberlakukan kembali semacam UU diatas, walaupun di negara asal demokrasi
UU tersebut masih berlaku dan ada peraturannya ( mungkin pengalaman perang
dunia ke II mengharuskan adanya hal ini).

Kalau mau tentu ada yang bisa diperbuat pemerintah. Pertanyaannya adalah
apakan suasana politis sekarang cukup dan dapat membuat pemerintah bertindak
sesuai pengharapan Internasional? Saya belum (tidak) bisa memberikan jawaban
yang gamblang, hitam atau putih. Mungkin ini sedikit kontribusi response
secara "srempetan" pertanyaan Mas Bambang. Supaya bisa rame.

Indradjaja Dalel

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Bambang Subianto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   18 Februari 2002 9:20
Subject:        [yonsatu] Fw: LATimes: Indonesia Seen as 'Weakest Link' in
Anti-Terror  War

Negara lain melihat kita begini. Kalau ini benar maupun tidak benar, apa
benar musti diam saja, apa benar tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Prof. Dr. M. Sadli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Recipient list suppressed>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 9:50 AM
Subject: Fwd: LATimes: Indonesia Seen as 'Weakest Link' in Anti-Terror War

> >The Los Angeles Times
> >February 16, 2002
> >
> >
> >Indonesia Seen as 'Weakest Link' in Anti-Terror War
> >
> >Asia: Three clerics' alleged role in 'sleeper cells' and authorities'
> >fuel regional concerns that the nation is a haven for plotters.
> >
> >By: Mark Fineman, Richard C. Paddock, Times Staff Writers
> >
> >Sungai Manggis, Malaysia
> >
> >    From prayer groups to prison cells to this village of tin-roofed,
> > clapboard
> >houses, three Indonesian clerics pursued their vision of an Islamic state
> >stretching across much of Southeast Asia.
> >
> >    Operating from a secluded compound an hour from Malaysia's capital,
> >Lumpur, they shuttled to other Islamic lands and fanned out across
> >living on donations and urging the faithful to join a holy war to protect
> >Islam.
> >
> >    But authorities in Malaysia and Singapore say the three Indonesians
> >created terrorist "sleeper cells" that plotted to bomb targets, including
> >U.S. Embassy in Singapore, and played host to two of the Sept. 11
> >in
> >Malaysia.
> >
> >    Today, one of the three is behind bars in Malaysia. Another is on the
> >The third has returned to Indonesia where he lives openly, giving
> >interviews and praising Osama bin Laden.
> >
> >    The alleged role of the clerics and a lack of action by Indonesian
> >authorities against suspected terrorists underscore concerns in Southeast
> >that the world's most populous Muslim nation is becoming a haven for
> >plotting attacks.
> >
> >    Since December, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines have arrested
> >than 40 alleged members of a terrorist network known as Jemaah Islamiah.
> >others escaped, authorities say, and likely fled to Indonesia, where law
> >enforcement is ineffective and the country's 17,508 islands offer
> >hiding places.
> >
> >    Among the escapees may be one of the three clerics, Riduan Isamuddin,
> >who
> >is better known as Hambali. Authorities say he ran terrorist activities
> >Jemaah Islamiah, and they also have linked him to a series of plots by
> >Laden's Al Qaeda terrorist network, including the Sept. 11 hijackings,
> >bombing of the U.S. destroyer Cole in Yemen in October 2000 and plans to
> >up
> >12 airliners over the Pacific Ocean in 1995.
> >
> >    Singaporean authorities say they have uncovered evidence that Jemaah
> >Islamiah
> >terror cells are operating in Indonesia. The Indonesian authorities have
> >arrested no one.
> >
> >    "The weakest link here is Indonesia," said a Malaysian official, who
> > spoke
> >on
> >condition of anonymity. "We're sharing everything with them, but we're
> >getting a lot of information back."
> >
> >    Frank Lavin, the U.S. ambassador to Singapore, whose embassy was a
> >has urged Indonesia to crack down.
> >
> >    "We saw a substantial number of arrests in Singapore; we saw equally
> >aggressive moves in Malaysia; [but] we have not seen that kind of
response yet
> >in Indonesia, and it is a matter of concern," he said recently.
> >
> >    Although most Indonesians are moderate Muslims, Islamic militancy has
> > been
> >on
> >the rise since President Suharto, the country's dictator for 32 years,
> >forced from office in 1998.
> >
> >    Indonesia shares a long border with Malaysia on the island of Borneo,
> >many of its smaller islands are within easy striking distance of
> >Malaysia and the southern Philippines. Four tons of ammonium nitrate
> >acquired by Jemaah Islamiah for use in terrorist bombings in Singapore
> >moved recently to the Indonesian island of Batam, about 10 miles from
> >Singapore,
> >authorities say.
> >
> >    Indonesia is also hobbled by political instability, severe economic
> >problems
> >and the weak leadership of President Megawati Sukarnoputri.
> >
> >    Foreign Ministry spokesman Wahid Supriyadi said Indonesia was trying
> >fight
> >terrorism but could not detain people without sufficient proof. "The
> >cannot arrest people just based on assumptions," he said.
> >
> >    The government's stance today is a far cry from the brutal control of
> >Suharto years, when many Islamic preachers were locked up for their
> >views.
> >
> >    During the 1980s and 1990s, Suharto's suppression of dissent prompted
> >clerics to flee to Malaysia, planting the seeds of international
> >there, authorities say. Among those who received sanctuary were Hambali
> >the
> >other clerics: Abu Bakar Bashir, 63; and Mohammed Iqbal bin Abdul Rahman,
> >
> >    Perhaps even more influential than those three was a fourth cleric,
> >Abdullah
> >Sungkar, who died in 1999.
> >
> >    The preachers formed prayer groups in various parts of Malaysia. From
> > these
> >groups, they recruited the most willing warriors and created small cells
> >carried out bank robberies, bombings and a political assassination,
> >authorities
> >say.
> >
> >    The clerics operated below the radar of Malaysia's strict Internal
> > Security
> >Act and its ubiquitous intelligence agents until two recruits were killed
in a
> >bungled bank robbery last May. One cell member was captured and began
> >the group's secrets.
> >
> >    One resident of suburban Kuala Lumpur who hosted prayer meetings at
> >home
> >told Western reporters that the clerics used the sessions to attract
> >disenchanted with Malaysia's autocratic government. The clerics,
> >Bashir, pushed their listeners to take part in jihad, or holy war, he
> >
> >    Bashir and Sungkar met sometime before 1970. Relatives say they were
> >inseparable in the early years, often preaching and traveling together.
> >
> >    Sungkar, whose father was from Yemen, was a charismatic speaker and,
if he
> >were alive today, would no doubt be the clerics' main leader, said Umar
> >Baraja,
> >Bashir's brother-in-law.
> >
> >    Sungkar and Bashir founded the Al-Mukmin school in the city of Solo
> >Indonesia's main island of Java in 1972 to promote their vision of an
> >state. One graduate of the school, Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi, later linked
> >with
> >the Jemaah Islamiah network and was arrested last month in Manila for his
> >alleged role in numerous bombings.
> >
> >    In 1978, Sungkar and Bashir went to prison together in Indonesia for
> >opposing
> >the Suharto government. Both served nearly four years of a nine-year
> >In prison, they met Iqbal, a Jakarta native who had been sentenced on
> >charges.
> >
> >    Iqbal was the first to move to Malaysia in 1984, and the other two
> > followed
> >him the next year. Viewing the clerics as refugees from religious
> >the Malaysian government gave them residency permits. They all took
> >names: Bashir became Abdus Samad and Iqbal became Abu Jibril. Abdullah
> >became Abdul Halim.
> >
> >    All three lived in the same neighborhood in the state of Negeri
> >until 1986, when Iqbal moved about two hours away to the secluded Sungai
> >Manggis
> >compound along Manggis River Village Road. Hambali, whom neighbors and
> >knew as a humble and devout traveling businessman, joined him there in
> >
> >    Iqbal's wife, Fatimah Zaharan, described her husband in an interview
as a
> >freelance lecturer who sometimes preached that Muslims had a duty to
> >their religion anywhere it came under threat.
> >
> >    "It's all from the book," said Zaharan, the mother of nine. "If the
> >says
> >it is necessary to have a holy war, then he will teach that. He never
> >preached a
> >word outside the holy Koran."
> >
> >    When he preached, Hambali, who claims to have met Bin Laden several
> >would urge his followers to go to Indonesia's Molucca Islands to fight
> >Christians or to Afghanistan to support the Taliban, said one who
> >
> >    In October 1999, after Suharto had been ousted as president, Bashir
> >Sungkar returned to Jakarta, Indonesia's capital. Two days after
> >Sungkar suffered a heart attack and died. Bashir assumed his role as
> >leader.
> >
> >    Today, Bashir is wanted in Malaysia, where authorities say he
provided his
> >followers with the ideological rationale for engaging in jihad. In
> >he
> >recently proclaimed Bin Laden to be a "true Muslim fighter" and told one
> >interviewer that the Sept. 11 attacks were the result of a Jewish
> >carried out with the help of former Secretary of State Henry A.
> >
> >    Indonesian police questioned him for two days last month before
> >him.
> >
> >    Iqbal was arrested in June by Malaysian intelligence police while
> > preaching
> >to students in a distant village. He was detained in the first wave of
> >targeting Islamic militants after the May bank heist. His wife flatly
> >charges that Iqbal is connected to any terrorist plots.
> >
> >    Hambali left Malaysia at the end of 2000, shortly before simultaneous
> >blasts struck two dozen churches in Indonesia on Christmas Eve, killing
19 and
> >injuring 100. Witnesses implicated him in one of the bombings, and
> >police issued a warrant for his arrest a year ago. He is also wanted by
> >Malaysia
> >and Singapore for his alleged role in terrorist operations, including the
> >Singapore bomb plot.
> >
> >    *
> >
> >    Fineman reported from Sungai Manggis and  Paddock  from Jakarta,
> > Indonesia.
> >Sari Sudarsono of The Times' Jakarta Bureau contributed to this report.
> >
> >GRAPHIC: PHOTO: Authorities say the U.S. Embassy in Singapore was among
> >targeted by clerics' terror cells. PHOTOGRAPHER: Associated Press

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