Hi guys,

I've found a really nice service menu for Thunderbird. It allows you to attach files to mails in very simple way: right-click on the file(s) and done! The best part is that it only needs a 200-byte-size file. I've thought we could include this file in our Thunderbird package so it is available out-of-the-box with the package. You can have a look at it at:


The installation simply needs to copy the .desktop file to the /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus directory. The original .desktop file invokes the mozilla-thunderbird and since we don't call it this way, I've edited the file and change it to simply 'thunderbird'. Another choice would be create symlink, but I don't this is a better solution than the previous one.

I'm looking forward to having some feedback.

Best regards.

PS: Attached the modified .desktop file. I have also added localization for Spanish. It's all you'll need.

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Attachment: AttachToThunderbirdMail.desktop
Description: Binary data

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