[ZESTAlternative] US Farmers' Hideous Pursuit Of Profit

2005-01-13 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[ZESTAlternative Desk: And they call it 'mad COW'S disease'. Readers, please forward this mail to all the McDonalds' types you are acquainted with.] US Farmers' Hideous Pursuit Of Profit [London Daily Mail |28 December 2003] http://www.rense.com/general46/purs.htm Amid the he

[ZESTAlternative] Bayer Backs Out of Genetic Engineering in India

2005-01-15 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Bayer Backs Out of Genetic Engineering in India [Pesticide Action Network Update Service | 21 December 2004] http://www.berkeleydaily.org/text/article.cfm?issue=12-21-04&storyID=20342 [PANUPS is a weekly news service providing resource guides and reporting on pesticide issues that don

Re[2]: [ZESTAlternative] The Great HIV / AIDS Hoax

2005-01-24 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Dear Julian, I dont know why you persist in reminding us that your mail was 'blocked'. The moderators of this group had nothing to do with it. Internet technology isnt infallible - perhaps you should lessen your faith in modern science. The group, however, is moderated. So not everything you

[ZESTAlternative] Polio vaccine, population control and who's really WHO

2005-02-15 Thread Jogesh Motwani
UNICEF's campaign to immunize Nigeria's children with polio is accused of being a front for sterilizing the country. Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist in Zaria, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India for analysis. Using technology recommended by the World Health Organizati

[ZESTAlternative] Dismantling the Politics of Comfort - an interview with Ward Churchill

2005-02-27 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Dismantling the Politics of Comfort An Interview with Ward Churchill [Satya | April 2004] http://www.satyamag.com/apr04/churchill.html [Ward Churchill is perhaps one of the most provocative thinkers around. A Creek and enrolled Keetoowah Band Cherokee, Churchill is a longtime Native

[ZESTAlternative] "Some People Push Back" By Ward Churchill

2005-03-01 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[This is the only article on 9/11 worth reading. Please read it carefully and assimilate its logic, for it is your best weapon against the doublespeak of today. - ZESTAlternative Desk] "Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens By Ward Churchill http://www.politica

[ZESTAlternative] The Brain and Meditation

2005-03-31 Thread Jogesh Motwani
The Brain and Meditation By Adithya K. http://home.att.net/~meditation/brain.html The brain is essential to human life, and when the brain dies, the entire physical body dies along with it. Even under deep sleep, the brain is active and aware, and able to direct functions as and whe

[ZESTAlternative] The Epidemic of African AIDS Hysteria by Charles Geshekter

2005-04-11 Thread Jogesh Motwani
"I recently made my 15th trip to Africa to find out more. Let's start with a few basic facts about HIV, AIDS, African record-keeping and socio-economic realities. What are we counting? The World Health Organization defines an AIDS case in Africa as a combination of fever, persistent cough, d

[ZESTAlternative] A question of colour

2005-04-12 Thread Jogesh Motwani
A question of colour By Gamal Nkrumah [Al-Ahram Weekly | August 8 2002] http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2002/598/li1.htm It is not an entirely curious fact that most Egyptians seem fixated on blue-eyed blondes. For one thing, the country is peopled essentially by dark-skinned, dark-hai

[ZESTAlternative] Rape of a nation

2005-04-15 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[So it isn't just East Timor that this US puppet-state is bent on annhilating. For details of that genocide, and the predictable media black-out, please refer to Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent.] Rape of a Nation By Paul Kingsnorth [2 April 2005] http://www.news.vu/en/news/Regiona

[ZESTAlternative] turn off your tv

2005-04-18 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Nice coincidence, I posted an article on TV this morning and found this announcement in my mail later today. Check out the link. The annual TV-Turnoff Week: http://tvturnoff.org/ - Zestalternative Desk Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> What would

[ZESTAlternative] U.N. Peace keepers rape women and children in the Congo

2005-04-27 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[The rape of a 16-year old girl by a Hindu policeman in South Mumbai has the city outraged (finally!). But for UN forces, this is routine behaviour. Incidentally, the foot soldiers among the U.N. troops are mostly Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis - our armed forces are basically mercena

[ZESTAlternative] A discussion on the wider issues around the Marine Drive rape crime

2005-04-30 Thread Jogesh Motwani
PUKAR Gender & Space project invites you to a discussion on the wider issues around the Marine Drive rape crime Date: 29 April 2005 Venue: PUKAR Office www.pukar.org.in The recent incident of rape at the police chowky at Marine Drive has seen the city and citizens respond with anger

[ZESTAlternative] HIV/AIDS and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African

2005-05-02 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[This is a superbly written document. If only we Indians would pay heed. - ZESTAlternative Desk] HIV/AIDS and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African - Excerpted from a larger African National Congress Study This monograph discusses the vexed question of HIV/AIDS. It is based

Re: [ZESTAlternative] Extremely Alternative: DNA and the Cosmic Serpent

2005-05-16 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Hi Thomas, What a captivating article! And that ayahuasca stuff can't be half bad, it even got a scientist thinking. Purely in the spirit of rational science, can you get your hands on some? Jogesh Saturday, May 14, 2005, 4:46:54 PM, you wrote: > The Cosmic Serpent - DNA and the Origins of

[ZESTAlternative] Buddhist Economics by E. F. Schumacher

2005-05-20 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Buddhist Economics By E.F. Schumacher [An essay from Small Is Beautiful | 1973] http://www.schumachersociety.org/buddhisteconomics.html ["Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered" has been translated into 27 different languages and in 1995 was named by the London Times Liter

[ZESTAlternative] Decolonization and Development: The Enemy Within (part I)

2005-05-21 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Hind Swaraj, Gandhi's masterly work on colonization, development and the Indian psyche (first published in 1908), is probably the first critical work of its kind, and influenced thinkers in colonized societies the world over. Here, writing in the style of the original, Paranjpe reinterprets

[ZESTAlternative] Decolonization and Development: The enemy within part 2

2005-05-23 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[... But more convincing evidence is seen in the absence of any radical or meaningful understanding of decolonization from within our academia. We are merely duplicating the latest trends in the West. Our great concern is not to be left behind. We want to prove that we understand what is going

[ZESTAlternative] Cameroon's Pygmies

2005-05-27 Thread Jogesh Motwani
For Cameroon's Pygmies, No Forest Is Impenetrable Enough By Sylvestre Tetchiada [Inter Press Service News Agency | 4 May 2005] http://www.ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=28557 YAOUNDE, May 4 (IPS) - With no telephone connection to the outside world, and a single access road that is l

Re: [ZESTAlternative] Where Left meets Right by Ramachandra Guha

2005-05-31 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[This response to Guha appeared in the Letters to the Editor section of The Telegraph.] Flawed thesis [The Telegraph | 17 May 2005] http://www.telegraphindia.com/1050517/asp/opinion/story_4746458.asp Sir — Ramachandra Guha makes a number of sweeping generalizations in “Where left meets r

[ZESTAlternative] The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry

2005-06-03 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[... Praise ignorance, for what man has not encountered he has not destroyed.] The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry [from The Country of Marriage by Wendell Berry | 1973] http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC30/Berry.htm Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pa

[ZESTAlternative] Insight Magazine - an online journal

2005-06-04 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Insight Magazine 2 June 2005 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> The new issue of INSIGHT on Caste and Gender is now online at http://www.sammaditthi.com/INSIGHT/insight_home.asp Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> In low income neighborhoods, 84% do not own comput

[ZESTAlternative] A brief history of education by Robert Gilman

2005-06-06 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Actually, a brief history of western education, but since its the only kind doing the rounds these days, for once i dont take offence at the presumptuous title - ZESTAlternative Desk] How We Got Here - A brief history of education By Robert Gilman [In Context #6 | Summer 1984] h

[ZESTAlternative] Mythic Reflections - an interview with Joseph Campbell

2005-06-08 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Mythic Reflections - thoughts on myth, spirit, and our times An interview with Joseph Campbell by Tom Collins [In Context #12 | Winter 1985/86] http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC12/Campbell.htm [Joseph Campbell is perhaps the world's foremost scholar of mythology. Among his many books ar

[ZESTAlternative] auroville

2005-06-12 Thread Jogesh Motwani
For As Long As It Takes Auroville is attempting to forge a grounded, Earthy spirituality by Alan Lithman (Savitra) One of the articles in Earth & Spirit (IC#24) Late Winter 1990, Page 54 Copyright (c)1990, 1997 by Context Institute | To order this issue ... In our issue on "Global Climate Chan

[ZESTAlternative] Pablo Neruda - Nobel Lecture

2005-07-30 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Pablo Neruda – Nobel Lecture (translated from Spanish) 13 December 1971 [Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980 | World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993] http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1971/neruda-lecture-e.html Towards the Splendid City My speech is going to be a

[ZESTAlternative] Making text-books a joy to read - interview with Professor Krishna Kumar

2005-08-14 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Making text-books a joy to read - interview with Professor Krishna Kumar By Vidya Subrahmaniam [The Hindu Online | 21 April 2005] http://www.hinduonnet.com/2005/04/21/stories/2005042103351100.htm) [It was in stormy circumstances that Professor Krishna Kumar took charge as Director

[ZESTAlternative] Fatal promise of immortality - a book review

2005-08-18 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Book Review of 'The First Century After Beatrice' by Amin Malouf.] Fatal promise of immortality By Mohan Rao [Journal of the Indian Medical Association, Volume 100, No. 1 | January 2002] http://www.issuesinmedicalethics.org/102br030.html Pre-natal sex diagnostic tests are incre

[ZESTAlternative] Maalouf, Amin (1949- )

2005-08-22 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Maalouf, Amin (1949- ) Lebanese journalist and novelist, whose native language was Arabic but who writes in French. Most of Maalouf's books have a historical setting. In 1993 he received the Prix de Goncourt for his novel Le rocher de tanios (The Rock of Tanios). His books are written with th

[ZESTAlternative] Forget Your Botany

2005-09-09 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[This is a great article. It is long, slow and deep. Or in present-day argot, its boring. - ZESTAltenative Desk ] Forget Your Botany By Jan Van Boeckel http://www.resurgence.org/resurgence/issues/boeckel000.htm [Jan van Boeckel is a Dutch anthropologist, filmmaker and art teacher. Curr

[ZESTAlternative] A Moment of Silence by Emmanuel Ortiz

2005-09-23 Thread Jogesh Motwani
A Moment of Silence Before I start this poem by Emmanuel Ortiz [September 11 2002] http://www.kersplebedeb.com/mystuff/s11/silence.html Before I start this poem, I'd like to ask you to join me In a moment of silence In honour of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon

[ZESTAlternative] Gandhi & Ambedkar - A comparative study

2005-09-28 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Gandhi & Ambedkar - A comparative study By Ramachandra Guha [An Anthropologist Among The Marxists And Other Essays | Permanent Black 2001, NewDelhi] http://www.ambedkar.org/D-Mag/D-MagJan.pdf+ramachandra+guha&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 Mahatma Gandhi was not so much the Father of the Nation as the

[ZESTAlternative] Finding Faith by Osman Samiuddin

2005-10-04 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Finding Faith By Osman Samiuddin [www.cricinfo.com | 23 September 2005] http://content-ind.cricinfo.com/pakistan/content/story/219991.html [Osman Samiuddin is Pakistan editor of Cricinfo.] During India's tour to Pakistan last year, an Indian journalist asked an ex-player from the `80s

[ZESTAlternative] Columbus' Legacy of Genocide by Ward Churchill

2005-10-11 Thread Jogesh Motwani
History Not Taught is History Forgot: Columbus' Legacy of Genocide by Ward Churchill [Excerpted from Indians are Us |Common Courage Press, 1994] http://web.mit.edu/thistle/www/v9/9.11/1columbus.html It has been contended by those who would celebrate Columbus that accusations concerning h

[ZESTAlternative] Revisiting Chipko Andolan

2005-10-17 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Revisiting Chipko Andolan by Vinod RAINA [6 December 2003] http://www.alternatives.ca/article1041.html Andolan is the common term for a movement in India. The well-known Chipko Andolan literally means 'Hug the Trees Movement', which originated from an incident in a remote village high up

[ZESTAlternative] Denying a shared past

2005-11-07 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Denying a shared past By Yoginder Sikand http://www.geocities.com/indianfascism/fascism/dada_hayat.htm [Yoginder Sikand did his MPhil in sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and his Ph.D in history from the University of London. He completed his post-doctoral work on 'I

[ZESTAlternative] Politics Of Conversion

2005-11-17 Thread Jogesh Motwani
'Islam Gave Me Self Respect' Rashid Salim Adil, a Delhi-based advocate, social activist and politician, is a Dalit convert to Islam. Here he talks to Yoginder Sikand on Dalits, social liberation and Islam. Politics Of Conversion By Rashid Salim Adil and Yoginder Sikand http://www.count

[ZESTAlternative] Why Is So Little Left Of The Left?

2005-11-19 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Why Is So Little Left Of The Left? By Stephen Marglin [ZMagazine Online] http://www.zmag.org/stephen_marglin.htm How did Britain manage to rule the vast South Asian sub-continent with a handful of administrators, troops, and technicians? How are we to understand not only the confidenc

[ZESTAlternative] The genocide edict

2005-11-28 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[The greatest genocide in human history - the extermination of over 150 million American Indians - had the sanction of the highest authority in Rome. The Church knows it as The Bull Inter Caetera of May 4, 1493. The American Indians know it simply as the "Genocide Edict". - ZESTAlternative Desk]

[ZESTAlternative] Peacockery, posturing and patriotism

2005-12-04 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Peacockery, posturing and patriotism By Andrew Miller [Pakistan tour diary | 27 November 2005] http://content-ind.cricinfo.com/pakveng/content/story/226757.html Today I saw a pantomime of peacockery, a charade of militaristic posturing so absurd it was faintly chilling. It was als

[ZESTAlternative] Pope Benedict Can Do Better Than Lecturing Muslims About Terrorism

2005-12-10 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Pope Benedict Can Do Better Than Lecturing Muslims About Terrorism By Abid Ullah Jan [Al-Jazeerah, 25 August 2005] http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20editorials/2005%20Opinion%20Editorials/August/25%20o/Pope%20Benedict%20Can%20Do%20Better%20Than%20Lecturing%20Muslims%20About%20Terrorism%20

[ZESTAlternative] From cocaine to santa

2005-12-14 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Coke, that fizzy chemical solvent suitable for cleaning clogged drains has made lasting contributions to world culture - from drugging labourers with cocaine (hence the name) to creating the greatest shopping icon of them all, Santa Claus.] The Santa Coke Deal By Seeta Pena Gangadhara

[ZESTAlternative] Cloning pioneer did fake results

2005-12-29 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[So he cloned some results - big deal! - ZESTAlternative Desk] Cloning pioneer did fake results, probe finds By Shaoni Bhattacharya [NewScientist.com news service | 23 December 2005] http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id==dn8515 Most of the key results in a landmark stem cell paper b

[ZESTAlternative] A Class Divided

2006-01-04 Thread Jogesh Motwani
A Class Divided - synopsis of a film by Jane Elliott http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/divided/etc/view.html On the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered in April 1968, Jane Elliott's third graders from the small, all-white town of Riceville, Iowa, came to class confused

[ZESTAlternative] An unfinished crusade - an interview with Jane Elliott

2006-01-06 Thread Jogesh Motwani
An unfinished crusade - an interview with Jane Elliott [FRONTLINE | 19 December 2002] http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/divided/etc/crusade.html >From the vantage point of more than thirty years since she first taught her >eye-color exercise in discrimination to a third-

[ZESTAlternative] postman

2006-01-15 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Extracts from Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman, Penguin, 1985. In AMUSING OURSELVES TO DEATH, Neil Postman provides a brilliant analysis of our TV-addicted society. "We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn't, thoughtful Americans sang sof

[ZESTAlternative] We dont use the same thing twice...

2006-02-14 Thread Jogesh Motwani
If only... - ZestAlternative desk We dont use the same thing twice... An American, a Brit and an Iraqi are in a bar one night having a beer. The Yankee drinks his beer and suddenly throws his glass in the Air, pulls out a gun and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, "In the States our glas

[ZESTAlternative] Interactive learning fails reading test

2006-02-19 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Interactive learning fails reading test By Julie Henry and Beth Jones [Telegraph, London |10 January 2006] http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2006/01/09/1136771500779.html INTERACTIVE computers used in British schools to teach children to read are harming their learning, research shows. Spec

[ZESTAlternative] How did bird flu suddenly enter India?

2006-02-27 Thread Jogesh Motwani
How did bird flu suddenly enter India? Its the same old tedious plot - why change something that works! - ZESTAlternative Desk India suspects foreign hands in artificially introducing bird flu into India - biological warfare? By Babu Ghanta [www.indiadaily.com | 19 February 2006]

[ZESTAlternative] Bird Flu Racketeers by Leo Rebello

2006-03-10 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Bird Flu Racketeers by Leo Rebello www.healthwisdom.org In October 2005, I had sent an alert on Bird Flu Epidemic. In that I had written, "There are NO epidemics in normal times. More epidemics are created by vaccines and drugs" and gave detailed Holistic treatment for Flu. Today (19

[ZESTAlternative] THE SCARE OF EPIDEMICS: What is the reality of the avian flu?

2006-03-30 Thread Jogesh Motwani
This article was written in December 2005, before the pharma giants and Sant Bush and his apostle Rumsfeld blessed our land. - ZESTAlternative Desk THE SCARE OF EPIDEMICS: What is the reality of the avian flu? By Maneka Gandhi http://www.abolitionist-online.com/article-issue02_maneka.

[ZESTAlternative] Flying Solo - an interview with Maneka Gandhi

2006-04-04 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Flying Solo - the Maneka Gandhi Interview By Claudette Vaughan [Animal Liberation NSW | 2004] http://www.animal-lib.org.au/more_interviews/maneka/ [This interview first appeared in Vegan Voice] Maneka Gandhi is doing for the animals of India what Mahatma Gandhi did for the people. Ma

[ZESTAlternative] Young Minds Force-Fed With Indigestible Texts

2006-05-02 Thread Jogesh Motwani
  [A review of The Language Police - How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn, by Diane Ravitch]   Young Minds Force-Fed With Indigestible Texts   By MichikoO Kakutani    [New York Times | 29 April 29 2003] http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F06EFD8133DF93AA15757C0A9659C8

[ZESTAlternative] Lets teach the TOI jerks some manners

2006-05-11 Thread Jogesh Motwani
The Times of India and Mumbai Mirror, like much of the media has taken a very strong anti-reservation stance and in the process is broadcasting rabidly discriminatory, demeaning, and insulting reports regarding Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Please read and if you wish to do so, sign the petition

[ZESTAlternative] We're all for merit - but only for Dalits please

2006-05-11 Thread Jogesh Motwani
  Third Division merits a cry     By Chandrabhan Prasad   [The Pioneer | May 2006] http://dailypioneer.com/columnist1.asp?main_variable=Columnist&file_name=PRASAD157%2Etxt&writer=PRASAD&validit=yes           While the UPA Government's Mandal-II has once again massacred aspirations of the M

[ZESTAlternative] A post by subra srinivasan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> that seems to have gone awry

2006-05-31 Thread Jogesh Motwani
those figures, please post them. Thanks, - Jogesh On 5/8/06, Jogesh Motwani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > >   Third Division merits a cry > >   By Chandrabhan Prasad >   [The Pioneer | May 2006] > > http://dailypioneer.com/columnist1.asp?main_variable==Colum

[ZESTAlternative] The London Times does its usual unbiased reporting

2006-06-02 Thread Jogesh Motwani
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: THE TIMES MAY 19, 2006 -- CHAVEZ LEGACY - Mayor Ken Livingstone Sir, Your coverage of President Chavez’ visit to London (reports and Thunderer, May 16) misrepresents the record of the President’s administration in Venezuela. Far from Chavez’ opponents being repressed

[ZESTAlternative] U S v/s Indian style corruption

2006-06-19 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Old-style corruption better? By Sunita Narain [CSE Bulletin | 16 May 2006] http://www.cseindia.org/aboutus/feedback.htm A journalist from the International Herald Tribune asked my opinion about what he called "modern forms of lobbying" that us multinationals operating in India engaged in

[ZESTAlternative] Why are we Opposed to Reservations? by Prof Rahul Varman, I IT Kanpur

2006-06-20 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Why are we Opposed to Reservations? by Prof Rahul Varman, IIT Kanpur. I teach at one of the IITs, and off late my students, colleagues, friends and relatives have been sending me mails, organising meetings, writing petitions, initiating e-tirades, etc. against the recent MHRD announcement an

[ZESTAlternative] Teach 'em young

2006-06-23 Thread Jogesh Motwani
By the age of six the average child will have completed the basic American education. ... From television, the child will have learned how to pick a lock, commit a fairly elaborate bank holdup, prevent wetness all day long, get the laundry twice as white, and kill people with a variety of sophistic

[ZESTAlternative] Merit and Justice by Amartya Sen

2006-06-23 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Lots of responses to previous posts on Reservations argue that 'merit' should be the final arbiter to limited resources. This article leads the argument into different waters - different, at least, from the generic responses we have got so far. If you can put up with Sen's flatulence - a cond

[ZESTAlternative] Merits of Reservation: efficient health system and social equity emerging evidence from south India

2006-06-26 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Merits of Reservation: efficient health system and social equity emerging evidence from south India By S. Venkatesan [OneWorld South Asia | 1 May 2006] http://socialjustice.ekduniya.net/ "MEN ARE NOT BORN GOOD OR EVIL" "It is impossible for man to be endowed by nature from his very birth with e


2006-06-28 Thread Jogesh Motwani
INDIAN PEOPLE'S TRIBUNAL ON RIGHT TO EDUCATION Date: 1st July (Saturday) and 2nd July (Sunday) 2006 Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Venue: Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan, (behind Chitra Cinema), Gokuldas Pasta Road, Dadar East. For more details contact IPT - 23439651, 23436692. Dear All, IPT is conducti

[ZESTAlternative] Revised Oath for Doctors

2006-06-29 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Revised Oath for Doctors by Dr. Leo Rebello [www.healthwisdom.org | 2003] 1st July is celebrated as Doctors’ Day all over the world. The day usually passes without a whimper. Many doctors have forgotten their Hippocratic oath or humanism. Therefore, I would like to administer the fol

[ZESTAlternative] Fidel Castro's election biography

2006-07-06 Thread Jogesh Motwani
The following 2002 biography is also a fascinating example of how the Cuban electoral system works. Any voter can run for office (voting age is 16) simply by being nominated. The candidate fills out a biography which is then posted throughout the nieghborhood they're running from; below is the o

[ZESTAlternative] Tagore and Jana Gana Mana

2006-07-06 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Tagore and Jana Gana Mana By Monish R. Chatterjee [31 August 2003] This article is written in response to the frequently perpetuated myth that Rabindranath Tagore wrote the song Jana Gana Mana for the British monarch. For as long as one can remember, in fact, from the very early deca

[ZESTAlternative] AIIMS Post-Graduate Quota for their own students

2006-07-12 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[We now know that the anti-reservation protests have been stage managed - they are being handled by event managers. But it makes perfect sense - theres no way these utterly selfish elites will come together on any cause! And this article exposes just how two-faced the twice-born can be. - ZESTAlt

[ZESTAlternative] Adoption tales

2006-07-15 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Adoption tales by Vinita Bhargava - a book review by Swapna Majumdar [Indiatogether | 23 October 2005] http://www.indiatogether.org/2005/oct/rvw-adoption.htm Why do so few adoptions take place each year? Recognising some of the barriers to adoption from her own experience, Vinita Bhargava de

[ZESTAlternative] Dalit Battles

2006-07-18 Thread Jogesh Motwani
This article is a must for all of us who thought we knew Indian history. Our textbooks dont breathe a word about it - after reading this I more completely understand why academia wont let the dalits in. - ZESTAlternative Desk Dalit Battles - an interview with Raja Sekhar Vundru http://times

[ZESTAlternative] Democracy, modernity, and the Indian child

2006-07-21 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Krishna Kumar is the Director of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT). He writes on knowledge, learning and education, and is one of the few academics who actually thinks about these issues. - ZESTAlternative Desk] Democracy, modernity, and the Indian child By

[ZESTAlternative] Castro's speech on Education in Cuba - excerpts

2006-07-24 Thread Jogesh Motwani
I tried to get the entire speech but couldnt google it out. If anyone can, i'd be much obliged. Since an average Castro speech runs for 4 hours, without a break, maybe excerpts are not such a bad idea! Check out these details - Cuba really is the most advanced place on earth. -ZESTAlternative De

[ZESTAlternative] The Push for Early Childhood Literacy: A Risk Factor in Child Psychopathology

2006-07-27 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[What a scary article! And we Indians, the world's greatest imitators, will no doubt take this to another level. - ZESTAlternative Desk] The Push for Early Childhood Literacy: A Risk Factor in Child Psychopathology by Sharna Olfman http://www.allianceforchildhood.org.uk/Research%20Bulletin/Ol

[ZESTAlternative] Re: The Push for Early Childhood Literacy: A Risk Factor in Child Psychopathology

2006-07-29 Thread Jogesh Motwani
re a playful child becomes silent and withdrawn after being vaccinated. But vaccination has become THE religious ritual of the secular modernists so they are not giving an inch, in fact the population is promised more and more vaccines . Jogesh Motwani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wro

[ZESTAlternative] George Bush's secret army

2006-08-10 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[The tone and title of this article is quite bizarre, as is to be expected from a low-level rag like the Economist. But the facts are clear, more and more people are realising that schools have outlived their usefulness. We desis are still playing catch up in polluting our cities and drugging ou

[ZESTAlternative] NBA Press Release - Satyagraha Launched

2006-08-23 Thread Jogesh Motwani
THOUSANDS BRAVE HEAVY RAINS TO LAUNCH NARMADA SATYAGRAHA: ALL SET FOR PROTRACTED STRUGGLE Press Release 5th August, 2006 Mohini Giri, L.C. Jain, Yogendra Yadav, Shabnam Hashmi Extend Support Even as the swirling waters of the Sardar Sarovar project is threatening the villages in the Narm

[ZESTAlternative] HRT - Licensed to Kill and Maim

2006-08-24 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[HRT -Hormone Replacement Therapy. The target audience: mostly women. Their bodies are supposedly much more complex than mens' - not surprising really - modern medicine is steeped in patriarchy and racism. - ZESTAlternative Desk] HRT - Licensed to Kill and Maim by Martin Walker and Mag

[ZESTAlternative] Perils of the Israel model

2006-08-30 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Perils of the Israel model By Praful Bidwai [August 01 2006] http://www.rediff.com/cms/print.jsp?docpath=news/2006/aug/01bidwai.htm Perhaps never before have so many words, images, sketches and graphics been wasted by the Indian media on a complete Red Herring. For three days, Abdul Karim Tunda

[ZESTAlternative] GM Protein in Ice Cream

2006-09-07 Thread Jogesh Motwani
GM Protein in Ice Cream by Prof. Joe Cummins, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Malcolm Hooper [Institute of Science in Society] http://www.i-sis.org.uk/GMPIIC.php?printing=yes Genetically modified fish antifreeze protein is potentially able to cause inflammation and should not be approved without comp

[ZESTAlternative] Interview with Edward Goldsmith

2006-09-12 Thread Jogesh Motwani
An interview with Edward Goldsmith by Bittu Sehgal [Sanctuary Asia | February 2004] http://www.sanctuaryasia.com/interviews/edwardgoldsmith.php Born in 1928 in Paris and educated at Oxford, Edward Goldsmith is an environmental prophet. Editor, author, lecturer and campaigner, he founded ‘The Ec

[ZESTAlternative] The fire that broke Gandhi - a book review

2006-10-04 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[For Gandhi buffs, a great read. Other authors who have done justice to that incredible man are Ashis Nandy, Sudhir Kakar, and Marjorie Sykes. We shall feature reviews and extracts of their writings in subsequent posts. - Zestalternative Desk] The fire that broke Gandhi by Belu Maheshwari http

[ZESTAlternative] "I am trying to create a tradition of my own" - an interview with Girish Karnad

2006-10-09 Thread Jogesh Motwani
"I am trying to create a tradition of my own" - an interview with Girish Karnad by Chaman Ahuja [The Tribune | 21 March 1999] http://www.tribuneindia.com/1999/99mar21/sunday/view.htm THE Director of the National School of Drama, Ram Gopal Bajaj, speaking a few years ago on the contemporary In

[ZESTAlternative] One Need Not Be A Chamber To Be Haunted

2006-10-10 Thread Jogesh Motwani
One Need Not Be A Chamber To Be Haunted by Emily Dickinson One need not be a chamber to be haunted, One need not be a house; The brain has corridors surpassing Material place. Far safer, of a midnight meeting External ghost, Than an interior confronting That whiter host. Far safer through an

[ZESTAlternative] Globalisation works if winners share with losers: Stiglitz

2006-10-17 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Globalisation is the latest in a long line of euphemisms for slavery and plunder. Previous oxymorons have been the Free market, Liberalsation, Privatisation and Capitalism. Of course an oligarchy would work if rulers shared power with the people - but then it wouldnt be an oligarchy, would it?

[ZESTAlternative] Irom Sharmila: 'Iron Lady' Of Manipur

2006-11-02 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Irom Sharmila: 'Iron Lady' Of Manipur By Subhash Gatade [Countercurrents.org | October 17 2006] Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head, Pretending he just doesn't see ? -Bob Dylan Irom Sharmila.(Age 34). Does that name sound familiar? Well, like most of us this youngest daughter of

[ZESTAlternative] How not to engage with the 'Muslim World' by Yogi Sikand

2006-11-06 Thread Jogesh Motwani
How Not To Engage With The 'Muslim World': Insights From Delhi By Yoginder Sikand [Countercurrents.org | October 21 2006] http://www.countercurrents.org/us-sikand211006.htm In recent years, particularly following the events of 11 September 2001, several Western organisations based in Delhi have

[ZESTAlternative] Dilemmas of an Educator by Godfrey D'lima

2006-11-24 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Dilemmas of an Educator by Fr. Godfrey D'lima We have long passed the facile explanations of why many communities do not pursue formal education even up to becoming literate. Besides indifferent teachers that can be found everywhere there is the problem of an indifferent syllabus. In a coun

[ZESTAlternative] The Inquiry Method

2006-12-02 Thread Jogesh Motwani
The Inquiry Method by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner These extracts are taken from the third Chapter of the book “Teaching as a subversive activity” by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner. While the book itself highlights the urgent need for educational institutions to help their stude

Re: [ZESTAlternative] Lessons from the polio campaign

2006-12-02 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Hi Jagannath, so look who's finally figured it out - the IMA. These medical types believe that vaccines prevent disease - a totally unsubstantiated belief - but at least now they admit that badly administered vaccines cause the disease. So lets await the next big miracle cure - the IPV. Get

[ZESTAlternative] Not many know the Indian past he had discovered!

2006-12-07 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Not many know the Indian past he had discovered! S Gurumurthy http://www.newindpress.com/Column.asp?ID=IE620061115230938 "What is it that keeps the country down", asked the speaker. A young man in the audience replied unhesitatingly: "Undoubtedly the institution of caste that kept the majority

[ZESTAlternative] Indonesian Farmers Prosecuted For Breeding Their Own Seeds

2006-12-15 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Indonesian Farmers Prosecuted For Breeding Their Own Seeds Hira Jhamtani and Dey Patria Some Indonesian farmers were recently prosecuted at the behest of a seed marketing company for breeding their own seeds instead of purchasing them from the company. Although the cases did not involve genet

[ZESTAlternative] The Way We Live Now : The Vegetable-Industrial Complex

2006-12-19 Thread Jogesh Motwani
[Techno foods, including GM foods, are here in a big way. And in our charming democracy, there are no safeguards, no warnings, no redressal. And most desis would rather eat goras' droppings than home grown naturally 'natural' produce anyway. So lets have it i say, we deserve it. - ZESTAlternativ

[ZESTAlternative] food for the hungry

2006-12-20 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Excellent work in feeding and rehabilitating the destitute: http://www.srishtiannam.org/ Please pledge a meal if you have the means.

[ZESTAlternative] There is a fury building up across the country

2006-12-28 Thread Jogesh Motwani
There is a fury building up across the country By Arundhati Roy http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/nic/arundhati.htm In this interview, Arundhati Roy updates her essay on the Narmada issue, The Greater Common Good, published in 1999 in Frontline. It was conducted by Shoma Chaudhuri over a period

[ZESTAlternative] Inviting articles / papers for Commemorative Volume on Dharampalji titled "Rediscovery of India"

2007-01-06 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Request to contribute a piece to a commemorative volume on Dharampalji titled “A Rediscovery of India” Dear friend, Namaste ! You may be kindly aware that distinguished Gandhian thinker, historian and philosopher Shri Dharampal passed away on 24th October 2006 in Sevagram Ashram. Yo

[ZESTAlternative] The man and the metaphor - a biography of Mohandas Gandhi

2007-01-17 Thread Jogesh Motwani
The man and the metaphor - an interview with Rajmohan Gandhi by Bageshree S. [The Hindu | 11 January 2007] http://www.hindu.com/mp/2007/01/11/stories/2007011101240100.htm Let me begin with a confession in the true Gandhian spirit. The first thing I did when I got a copy of Rajmohan Gandhi's Mo

[ZESTAlternative] a barrel of conspiracies

2007-01-19 Thread Jogesh Motwani
9/11: A barrel of conspiracies By Nochur S Ganesh [Mid-day | 11 September 2005] http://web.mid-day.com/news/world/2005/september/118397.htm Today is the fourth anniversary of the World Trade Centre collapse. Nearly every TV network has run images of the dramatic and final collapse of the 1,362

[ZESTAlternative] Synopsis of After the Death of Childhood

2007-02-03 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Synopsis of After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of Electronic Media by David Buckingham http://www.amazon.co.uk/After-Death-Childhood-Growing-Electronic/dp/0745619339 What will be the fate of childhood in the twenty-first century? Will children increasingly be living 'media chi

[ZESTAlternative] Versatile Neem

2007-02-05 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Versatile Neem The Sarira Sthanam recommended that newborn infants should be anointed with herbs and oil, laid on a silken sheet and fanned with a branch of a neem tree with ample leaves. As the child grew it was given small doses of neem oil when ill and bathed with neem tea to treats cuts, ra

[ZESTAlternative] Bhopal - the case for the defence exposed

2007-02-11 Thread Jogesh Motwani
Ward Moorehouse responds to Kelley Drye & Warren in the Ecologist: In response to Ward Morehouse's review of Jamie Cassels’ book The Uncertain Promise of Law: Lessons from Bhopal (July/August 1994); The Ecologist received the following letter from Bud Geo Holman of the law firm Kelley Drye & War

[ZESTAlternative] Thinking Allowed: an Interview with Rollo May

2007-02-13 Thread Jogesh Motwani
The Intuition Network, A Thinking Allowed Television Underwriter, presents the following transcript from the series Thinking Allowed, Conversations On the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery, with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. THE HUMAN DILEMMA with ROLLO MAY, Ph.D. http://www.intuition.org/txt/may.

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