Am 20.04.2011 09:30, schrieb Jerome Renard:
> I would say the main problem with Ant is there is no loops and 
> conditionals

 I have never needed programming structures like that in my build
 automation scripts. But I think I understand where the problem is: you
 are trying to use a build automation tool to implement an application:
 a website generator. This is wrong. What you want to do may be possible
 with Pake (or any build automation tool that supports build scripts with
 a cyclomatic complexity > 1) but that does not make it right ;-)

 Have a look at how the documentation for PHPUnit's manual is built [1].
 There are a couple of PHP scripts that deal with syntax highlighting of
 examples and form a website from the HTML that comes out of DocBook/XSL.
 But the automation of these scripts happens in Ant. As it should be.


Sebastian Bergmann                    Co-Founder and Principal Consultant                 

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