Title: Today's News
April 13, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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Enterprise messaging's dynamic duo
IBM: Domino to support only enterprise Linux distros
Salesforce.com Springs its new release
Industry marks 10 years of spam
Sun working on Java revival
WebSphere on top, WebLogic not
Developer University: Domino, Java and J2EE
Lordy, lordy look who's 40

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Enterprise messaging's dynamic duo
Instant messaging and Web conferencing applications will soon transform enterprise communication, according to International Data Corp.

Best Web Links: Collaboration
Interview: Is enterprise IM ready for primetime?

IBM: Domino to support only enterprise Linux distros
Costly Microsoft Exchange upgrades may have you looking for an alternative. IBM Lotus thinks the answer might lie with running Domino on Linux.

Salesforce.com Springs its new release
With a public offering expected any day, Salesforce.com announced its latest release, Spring '04, which features new customization and tabs and Lotus Domino integration.

Industry marks 10 years of spam
Ten years after a couple of lawyers sent what is believed to be the first spam e-mail, intrusive online marketing has ballooned into an epidemic of massive proportions. Despite efforts to rein in junk e-mailers -- including federal legislation at limiting the practice enacted in the United States -- spam is big business.

Sun working on Java revival
Sun hopes to fuel the market for its Java software and generate sales of more complex products with rapid standards compliance and aggressive pricing.

WebSphere on top, WebLogic not
[e-Pro Magazine]
It appears IBM's soapbox efforts to promote WebSphere have paid off. Revenues of the Web tool have now far surpassed BEA's WebLogic product. In fact, according to this report, it's unlikely BEA will ever be back on top.

Also on SearchDomino.com
TOPICS: Developer University: Domino, Java and J2EE
If you work with Domino, you need to know more than Domino. Our Domino, Java and J2EE Developer University provides resources, definitions, articles, tips, webcasts and other advice on all three topics -- all in one place.

TOPICS: Member Poll: Do you belong?
Do you belong to a Domino user group? If so, has your group changed its focus to include other Lotus technologies?

TIPS: April/May Tips Contest: Make your own prize
We're looking for your great developer tips. You can win a $100 American Express gift cheque for your original tip. The Amex gift cheques are just like cash and accepted everywhere. Think up your best tip and share it with your Domino peers.

The Missing Link
Lordy, lordy look who's 40
Forty years ago this month, the mother of all mainframes made its debut. IBMers past and present gathered to celebrate one of the signature events of 1964 -- a very good year.
Read the story.

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