Title: Today's News
May 04, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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From Workplace cynic to believer
Easing mobile access to Domino apps
Next-gen iSeries debuts
Netsky variant targets the security conscious
IBM shifts CFO, head of services
Scott Lemieux on Java vs. LotusScript
Fight to the Finnish -- bank closes to stymie Sasser

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From Workplace cynic to believer
Notes and Domino have been a part of Scott Lemieux's working life for more than 10 years. So when he first heard the Lotus Workplace announcement way back when, he was not exactly in love with the idea. Scott was one of many in the Lotus community concerned that Workplace would be the death-nail to our beloved Notes and Domino.

Learn more about Lotus Workplace 1.1
Is Workplace good or bad for Notes and Domino? Join the debate!

Easing mobile access to Domino apps
The latest version of iAnywhere Solutions Inc.'s Pylon Application Server lets developers use their expertise in Domino Designer to extend Domino applications to mobile devices.

Next-gen iSeries debuts
IBM has introduced the first Power5 iSeries servers, along with a new version of OS/400 -- and they both get new names.

Netsky variant targets the security conscious
Following an onslaught of Sasser worms over the weekend, a Netsky variant now claiming to be a fix for Sasser is on the move.

IBM shifts CFO, head of services
IBM juggles positions in its executive suite after its top sales exec leaves to go to Siebel Systems.

Also on SearchDomino.com
TIPS: Scott Lemieux on Java vs. LotusScript
This is the fourth and final in a series of expert responses to the SearchDomino.com developer discussion forum question: "What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing a Java agent over a LotusScript agent?" We asked SearchDomino.com expert Scott Lemieux for his opinion.

Mark your calendars to attend SHARE User Events in New York, taking place August 15-20, 2004.
This mega training event will feature user-run technical education, on-site seminars, hands-on labs, a vendor product/service expo, and several professional networking opportunities. Register now for greatest savings!

TOPICS: New poll: What is your impression of Lotus' Workplace product line?
What is your impression of Lotus' Workplace product line? Click here to cast your vote in our new poll.

In our last poll, we asked about your preferred programming language. The results are in! See what you and your peers told us.

TOPICS: Best Web Links: Passwords and IDs
Educate yourself on password configuration and management with this collection of resources. Here is just a sample of the many articles you'll find in this category:

  • Integrating Lotus Workplace Messaging 1.1 with Tivoli Access Manager 4.1
  • Single sign-on simplifies security
  • Domino 6 password and ID management
  • Notes R5 ID and password recovery

    Click here to read these articles and others.

    The Missing Link
    Fight to the Finnish -- bank closes to stymie Sasser
    Sasser isn't exactly a "disasser" just yet, but one of Finland's foremost financial firms took no chances. Sampo, the third largest bank in Finland, closed all 130 of its branch offices Monday just to make sure its systems didn't get "sassed." A Sampo spokesman said that the company had not updated its virus protection and decided it was safer to close shop for the day while IT did its thing.
    Read the story.

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