Title: Today's News
  October 07, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

News Topics ITKnowledge Exchange Tips Ask the Experts Webcasts White Papers
Issue Sponsored By:
  > Postini, Inc.
  > SoftQuest

  >  Desktop apps ripe turf for open source
  >  Open-Xchange to battle Domino, Exchange
  >  IBM pursues identity management
  >  More headlines
  >  Poll: How would you describe your knowledge of LotusScript?
  >  LotusScript Learning Guide
  >  Domino Dictionary Challenge: Gather 'round
  >  The Missing Link: It's for nerds, stupid


Desktop apps ripe turf for open source
Two new reports on open source validate office suite application alternatives like OpenOffice.org and StarOffice and their push into the mainstream against market giant Microsoft Office.

Learn to install and configure Domino on Linux 7.1
Read about the basic synergies between Domino and Linux

AD Expert's Guide to Choosing an Anti-Spam Solution -- White Paper
Overwhelmed in trying to choose an anti-spam solution? Find out how to categorize email security approaches, and use 10 critical factors to determine the best protection for your enterprise email system. Download the free white paper here.

Open-Xchange to battle Domino, Exchange
Open-Xchange, the open source e-mail and calendaring server platform, is now available in beta, thanks in large part to collaboration with the open source community. Beta version 0.7.3, which is compatible with open source messaging clients Evolution and KDE Kontact, could lead up to a version that might compete with Domino and Exchange.

IBM pursues identity management
IBM has launched a new set of identity management products that combine offerings from Big Blue and its partners to enable organizations to automate and administer complex identity management processes.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Lotus apps unlikely to go open source (PC Pro)
Can WebSphere really heal itself? (vnunet)
Big Blue wants more green from SMBs (Computer Business Review)
Communications Server marks new territory for Microsoft (eWEEK)

Also on SearchDomino.com

POLLS:  Poll: How would you describe your knowledge of LotusScript?
Are you a beginner? Are you an expert? How much do you think you know about LotusScript? Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked about your reaction to the end of R5 support. Here's what you and your peers told us.

AD Secure account management in Notes/Domino
Chuck will discuss important principles of Notes/Domino account management, including: high-quality & unique passwords, shielding passwords from admins, ID/password expiration, and restoring lost IDs and passwords. Register for the webcast.

GUIDES:  LotusScript Learning Guide
This resource introduces you to LotusScript, explains best practices and pitfalls to avoid and provides troubleshooting help and advice. In it, you'll find LotusScript articles, tutorials, tips, tools, white papers, expert advice and more to pump up your LotusScript know-how quickly.

GLOSSARY:  Domino Dictionary Challenge: Gather 'round
This is Lotus's Web-based shared workspace software for real time collaboration among geographically dispersed participants. Using this software, coworkers, suppliers, partners and customers can communicate online immediately within a structured workspace created for that purpose.
Think you know the term? Click here to find out.

The Missing Link

It's for nerds, stupid
Politics.slashdot.org, a new Web site from the technology and news forum Slashdot.org, could be a boon to political pundits who love seeing page views skyrocket after their story gets picked up. Insiders call it the "Slashdot effect." But the big debate could be over whether articles featuring Ralph Nader will siphon away page views from pro-Kerry story submissions, or will one lucky poster have their Slashdot story become Bush's October Surprise?

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