Title: Today's News
  October 21, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

News Topics ITKnowledge Exchange Tips Ask the Experts Webcasts White Papers
  >  Minor Notes/Domino scripting vulnerability reported
  >  IBM to join Liberty Alliance
  >  Oracle aims at financial firms with SWIFT
  >  More headlines
  >  Poll: Does your company integrate ND data with mobile devices?
  >  LotusScript Learning Guide
  >  Domino Blog Contest: How many movie titles can you place?
  >  The Missing Link: Virtual vote lets non-Americans pick president
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Minor Notes/Domino scripting vulnerability reported
A newly discovered vulnerability in Notes and Domino 6 can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser.

Learn about Java applet flaws found in Notes
Read our exclusive on a pair of recent Notes/Domino flaws

SPONSORED BY:  SearchDomino.com
Product & Vendor Guide

The Buyers guide is one of the most comprehensive directories of vendor and product information on the Web. It covers a wide range of areas for your research needs, including Application Dev, E-Commerce Solutions, Security and more. Simply search by topic, company name or keyword and you have access to complete vendor and important product information without having to comb through multiple sites.

>> Click Here!
IBM to join Liberty Alliance
Big Blue will become a member of the Sun/AOL-backed standards body, in a move that could unite fractious Web services groups.

Oracle aims at financial firms with SWIFT
Oracle is adding messaging support to its E-Business Suite and Application Server for the financial industry. The company is making its products compatible with SWIFT, an industry owned cooperative that provides messaging services for banks and investment firms.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Sun brightens prospects for JSC (InternetNews)
Microsoft's grand plan for IM security (TechNewsWorld)
SCO, IBM forced to share secrets (InternetNews)

Also on SearchDomino.com

POLLS:  Poll: Does your company integrate ND data with mobile devices?
We want to know if your company integrates Notes/Domino data with mobile devices. Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked how you would describe your knowledge of LotusScript. Here's what you and your peers told us.

GUIDES:  LotusScript Learning Guide
This resource introduces you to LotusScript, explains best practices and pitfalls to avoid and provides troubleshooting help and advice. In it, you'll find LotusScript articles, tutorials, tips, tools, white papers, expert advice and more to pump up your LotusScript know-how quickly.

CONTESTS:  Domino Blog Contest: How many movie titles can you place?
Back in August, Mike Lazar was the featured expert for the Expert Answer Center. He solved plenty of Domino administration problems, and he kept up a daily blog for his two-week stint. He played a little game in his blog, and now it's time for you to play back. Mike named his blogs with lines from his favorite movies. How many movies can you name? Read the last blog entry for contest details and how you can win a copy of Exam Cram 2: Lotus Notes and Domino 6 System Administrator by Tony Aveyard and Karen Fishwick. This contest ends on Nov. 8, so get your entries in now!

The Missing Link

Virtual vote lets non-Americans pick president
In this year's U.S. presidential contest, there won't be any hanging chads in Chad, but there could be Belgians for Bush, Koreans for Kerry and Nicaraguans for Nader. That's because a U.K.-based Web site, globalvote2004.org, will tally virtual votes for U.S. president from around the globe. Visitors to the site are asked their nationality so that pollsters can chart preferences by country. Voting ends 48 hours before Nov. 2, so the results can be posted before the real deal.

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