Title: Today's News
  October 26, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

News Topics ITKnowledge Exchange Tips Ask the Experts Webcasts White Papers
Issue Sponsored By:
  > mSecureOTA 3.5: Wireless security for Domino

  >  IBM tries to motivate users off AS/400
  >  New life for Sender ID
  >  IBM pans latest TMC study
  >  More headlines
  >  Tip: Solving the decimal separator problem
  >  Ask Michael Lazar: Migrating the server but not the client
  >  Tip Contest: Win an Apple 4 GB iPod Mini!
  >  The Missing Link: Camera phone gadget undresses with its eye


IBM tries to motivate users off AS/400
Big Blue's effort to get users to move to new Power5 technology faces many obstacles. But could its major hurdle be that the AS/400 technology is just too good?

Compare Domino on Windows to Domino on the AS/400
Learn to configure a Domino server sending mail via an AS/400

Provides true end-to-end AES security 'over-the-air' between wireless mobile devices and the corporate network. The only PDA/Smartphone security solution designed specifically for the Domino Enterprise environment. How to get a free enterprise trial? USA Toll free +1 866 706 0609, ROW +44 1332 537 628 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

New life for Sender ID
[CNET News.com]
The software giant has rewritten the controversial antispam specification to negate patent claims that some believe would have enabled Microsoft to eventually charge royalties. As a result, AOL has renewed its support for Sender ID.

IBM pans latest TMC study
[WebSphere Journal]
After publishing and subsequently retracting the results of a study comparing J2EE vs. .NET in 2002, The Middleware Company is revisiting the issue in a new Microsoft-sponsored report. But IBM claims the results are once again flawed because of poor testing methodologies and a failure to invite J2EE vendors to participate.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Vendors team up on industry code of ethics (vnunet)
Microsoft sets Dec. 1 release date for LCS 2005 (eWEEK)

Also on SearchDomino.com

TIPS:  Tip: Solving the decimal separator problem
Reading a decimal number from a string can bring you a lot of trouble if you support clients with different decimal separators. All of the calculation will simply not complete and no error is generated in the log. This tip gives you simple code to avoid this problem.

ADVICE:  Ask Michael Lazar: Migrating the server but not the client
Dear Mike: I am migrating a client who runs 4.5 clients on 5.x server. They want to only migrate the server to 6.5 and keep the client at 4.5, because they are moving off Notes in one year. I think it's also because if they go beyond one year, they want continued support from Lotus. Are their any published migration notes/white papers on moving servers to 6.5 with the client in the older release?
Click here to read Mike's expert response.

CONTESTS:  Tip Contest: Win an Apple 4 GB iPod Mini!
This is you chance to win a brand new metallic blue Apple 4 GB iPod Mini. Just send in your Notes/Domino-related tips, tricks, timesavers or code today for your chance to take home this amazing prize. Whoever submits the highest rated tip will win!
Submit your tip and check out the prize here.

The Missing Link

Camera phone gadget undresses with its eye
[CNET News.com]
Remember the ads for X-Ray Specs in the back of comic books (right next to the sea monkeys and above Grit magazine)? Those specs always seemed suspect -- both scientifically and legally. Well, now it looks like the genuine article has finally hit the market, albeit by accident. When a developer in Japan created an add-on to allow cell phones to take pictures in the dark, little did he know his gadget was so Superman-good, it could see right through people's clothes! And of all the garments, dark bikinis seem to offer the best view. You can't get the peeping gizmo outside of Japan, and you've got to think the government won't turn a blind eye to the camera with the "overexposure" problem.

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