Title: Today's News
AD Email Intrusion Prevention for Financial Services Companies
See how Postini's patented managed service for email security and management can ensure email intrusion prevention, security policy enforcement for both in- and out-bound messages and attachments, and improve email performance. Email expert Andrew Lochart will describe the merits of the "preemptive" email security approach compared with more traditional approaches, as well as the latest trends in spam and virus attacks. Register for the webcast.

TIPS:  Tip: Zip from LotusScript in Notes/Domino 6
LotusScript does not have a native class for compressing files to .zip format. This tip shows you how to change that, if you are running Notes or Domino R6 (or newer), by using the ability of LotusScript to make calls to functionality that is available in the Java language.

GLOSSARY:  Domino Dictionary Challenge: Say again?
This is a standard interactive and programming language for getting information from and updating a database.
Think you know the term? Click here to find out.

The Missing Link

Nice to 'meat' you -- Spam spends millions to reclaim its name
Hormel wants to make this perfectly clear: Not all spam is tasteless -- especially the edible kind that begins with a capital "s." The creators of canned cuisine's crown jewel have launched a multimillion dollar ad campaign in the U.K. in which all kinds of regular folks are seen voluntarily eating Spam. No rolling of eyes, no frantic reaching for a delete button, no attachments and no one named Svetlana in the middle of Russia looking for a rich, western husband. Just a delicious, convenient protein source. Yes, Spam is trying to reclaim its name, a name that's been dragged through the mud of cyberspace. That's really the meat -- or processed near meat -- of the matter. Maybe if they'd make a product that didn't taste so much like junk e-mail...

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