Some places to look for what jobs are automatically periodically
run are
1) /var/spool/cron has everybody's crontab files.  If root has one,
the file will be named "root", for example.  The crontab files say
what each user who has one wants to be run and when it should be run.
2) /etc/crontab probably specifies times for looking at everything
in cron.hourly, cron.daily, cron.weekly, cron.monthly.  All files
in those directories are therefore run periodically.
3) Files in /etc/cron.d specify other jobs that should be periodically

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Mark Seven Smith wrote:
> ...
> what the heck can I do to trace down this problem?  What 
> makes things run automatically on a Linux system?  Where 
> does it have the files to configure this?  I know it's 
> something easy, but the ol' grey cells are getting scarce 
> these days... :-)
> --mVIIs
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