That almost smells like a mismatch between run-time libraries. The Debug version of xsec uses the Debug DLL runtime and the release the normal DLL runtime.

For various reasons, the debug also uses the MFC in a shared DLL.

BTW - You should be able to debug through the DLL if it is compiled with debug info. (I do it all the time :>)


Milan Tomic wrote:
First a question - is iSignatureCount a global?


If so, this approach may not be thread safe. An alternative (if threading is an issue) might be to pass in the previous found node to findNext.

My app is not multithreaded. I was looking for quick solution.

strEquals should be able to handle a mixture of XMLCh and char strings, but it will assume the string is on the local code page. Could it be failing in the transcode for some reason.

I don't know. My code is in dll, and dll is called from an exe. It is not so easy to debug. :(

Can you tell us what the failure is?

Allways different. Sometimes my app crashes (diseapear) without any warning dialog (altough I do have try/catch block). Sometimes it shows an access violation message or "pure virtual function was called" message.

Thank you for trying to help.


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