On 26 May 2001, at 8:51, Richard & Cyndi Ask wrote:

> Is there a program that would let me collect
> e-mail addresses from the folders in my Outlook
> Express?

Let me see if I have your question down pat:

You want to have every single address that comes into your folders, 
which essentially is every incoming address, be set into your OE 
address book, so that when you get one of those email worm type 
viruses, it will send out thousands of copies of the worm to every 
single person that has had the misfortune of writing you, including 
all the people to which you and they subscribe to the same list, 
thereby incurring the wrath of the entire Internet?   

Is this question from the book, "How To Lose Friends and Gain 
Enemies?" :-)

Actually, I think maybe you can do this with OE now.  I have not 
tested this out, but I think if you set up the right filters, and set 
Preferences to capture all addresses replied to, you can have OE do 
your dirty work for you. <g>

LOL...sorry to be so blunt, Richard. :-)

In the meantime, visit the following site:

"The Email Extractor"


See if that program might be what you seek.  Be sure and read their 
strong Anti-Spam policy, too. :-)


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