At 11:33 a.m. 08/04/00 -0500, you wrote:
>On 8 Apr 2000, 11:35, Daniel wrote:
>> I am looking for a eplace utility that can use a list of equivalences
>> and replace them in a certain file.
>> Lets say I want to change
>> a=1
>> b=2
>> c=3
>> etc
>> in file filename.txt (or watever)
>> I mean, not one by one replacement, but according to a list I determine
>> or a rule (lets say ascii to hexadecimal).
>Here are the Winfiles listings of search and replace text utilities.  
>You might review this list.
>In the meantime, make use of the search and replace features of that 
>NoteTab Light I referenced.  The shareware version, NoteTabPro, has 
>even more advanced features of search and replace.
>> I have found a little freeware program that can do that, fixtext
>> ww. 
>> With it you can write your own .ini file to make it work as your
>> replacement list.
>> Unfortunatelly -shame on me- I could not still understand the DOS
>> commands.
>> Any alternative or knowledgeable DOS person?.
>I don't consider myself knowledgeable but I did download that fixtx911 
>program and although it is impressive, I don't think it will do exactly 
>what you wish it to do.
>If we are going to go the DOS route, let's try these utilities:

OK here I found (and maybe there are other) 
.com/pub/garbo/garbo_pc/editor/ 16k! (how so little can do so much
for us!!)

the sintax is much easier :-)
prompt\>texrep old:new anotherold:anothernew (etc)  filenametochange

Of course it is much limited than fixtx, but it seems to work

I could not find a windows application for similar use.


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