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Hoa Dung Ha Duong wrote:
> Here is the editor I've been previously talking about:
> http://www.augure.com/dev/SeleniumEditor.xpi
> Just drop it in your firefox.
> You can launch it through the Tool Menu, the extension is called
> Selenium Test Editor. I've tried to make it easy to use.
> A few things which are not to obvious
> - if you're in the locator box, and you hit enter , the element will be
> highlighted in the page (if it can be found)
> - if you select a comand and then double click or hit enter, the command
> will  be executed
> - when the record button (the one with an ear) is toggled on, the user
> gestures in the browser will be recorded.
> when it's toggled off, the user gestures will be ignored
> If you want to see the code, rename SeleniumEditor.xpi to
> SeleniumEditor.zip.
> The code is zipped under the chrome directory.
> Like selenium,  it is provided under the Apache license. In fact it
> includes selenium 0.5 code which is used to test locators or to try to
> run a command.
> Feedback will be welcomed but since I am finishing my internship next
> week you can send it also to my mentor:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Since he has already subscribed to the list, you can respond on it.

The tool looks very cool.  I have a couple of observations:

  - The "File | New" menu option and equivalent toolbar button didn't
    seem to work:  I couldn't begin recording or adding verbs after
    starting a new test.  When I tried to save the "empty" test, I
    got an oddly-encoded error message (but it did create the file).

    (Later)  It turns out that I was being fooled by the fact that the
    empty first row is not selected, and therefore the editing widgets
    are disabled.  Maybe we should select it immediately after opening
    a file, or creating a new one.

  - "File | New" and "File | Open" don't prompt for changes when the
    "current" test is dirty.

  - The "Suppr" option is probably better "Delete" in English.

  - There is no obvious way to create a new, empty step.

    (Later)  Again, I am fooled by the "invisible" empty step.

  - Could we automatically select the "next" step after the user
    presses <Enter> in an edit widget?

  - Replay functionality would be really cool.

Overall, this looks like an excellent basis for handing test-generation
off to non-programmers.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 202-558-7113          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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