Forgive me if this is a naive question.  I has noobie.

I'm developing a scalable distributed back end search system for a
client, and using eventmachine to great effect thus far.  However, we
need database access, and that's where things start to get sticky.

I can use em-mysql and mysqlplus to make async db queries, but I'd
like to use an ORM to keep the code clean and simple.  ActiveRecord is
a poor fit, from what I can tell so far.  It has a blocking API, and
offers little hope of straightforward modification to fit the async io-
driven design of eventmachine.

I'm wondering if there's an entry point / layer in the Sequel stack
that would allow me to say (in effect):  Here is a row from by
database, please create Model Foo from it for me.  Even better would
be a portion of the Sequel API that was nonblocking / eventdriven.
Along the lines of:

DB = Sequel.my_evented_mysql_thing { |connection|
  if connection.success?
    # something
   # something else
EM.start {
  DB[:countries].filter(:region => 'Middle East') { |data_set|
    if data_set.success?
      # callback to do something with data_set, now that it has been
    elsif data_set.timeout?
     # etc

Any ideas?  Anyone else out there need anything like this?

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