Reporter ‘murdered over trade in organs’-- October 1996, By Tim Brown in Madrid

A JOURNALIST found hanged in Menorca was investigating alleged trafficking in 
human organs taken from specially selected and executed Bosnian prisoners of 
war, it has been claimed. 

The body of Xavier Gautier, 35, an investigative journalist for Le Figaro, was 
found in May hanging in a villa he had rented at Ciudadela to write a book 
about the former Yugoslavia. The slogan “Traitor, Red Devil” was scrawled in 
Italian on the dead man’s shirt and on a wall.

The claim that Gautier was investigating the trafficking in human organs taken 
from slaughtered prisoners in Bosnia, where he had spent many months for his 
newspaper, has been made by his father. He has given a dossier of the claims to 
the Spanish Civil Guard at Barcelona in a move to keep the case under 

The information includes an eight-page list of names and addresses of people 
allegedly connected with the transplant racket found in the journalist’s Paris 
flat by his father.

Menorcan police insist that the journalist committed suicide and say their 
inquiries are over. His family is convinced that he was murdered. “In less than 
six hours the organs from the concentration camp were in a private clinic in 

According to Mr Gautier, when his son’s body was found there were marks on the 
neck from two different ropes, the hands were tied, and painted on the shirt 
was the phrase “Diablo [sic] Rosso” - the nickname of Italian mercenary Robert 
delle Fave who had served with , Croatian forces.

Xavier Gautier had met delle Fave in Nice and received information from him 
about trafficking in human organs, his father insists in his dossier. The 
documents also state that Gautier was knocked down by hit and run driver near 
Barcelona in January. Later,  a Spanish doctor who was present at that incident 
was knocked down and killed.—“Blood samples and medical details of the 
prisoners were sent to Italian and possibly Spanish doctors,” claims Gautier’s 
father. “In less than six hours the organs from the concentration camp were in 
a private clinic in Trieste.” He says money raised by selling the organs was 
used to buy arms. 

Civil Guard headquarters in Madrid confirmed yesterday that the dossier had 
been passed to the investigating judge in Menorca.

Fri, 04 Oct 1996 07:42:16 -0700:  Reporter ‘murdered over trade in (Bosnian) 
organs’  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/et/access?ac=113016801302 

According to this story, Croats were in the business of sending “meat” to 


Dana:         Sat, 5 Oct 1996 04:03:56 CDT

Statistics about Yugoslav Civil War (1992-1996). 4 0ct 96.  

For Fair Use Only. Electronic Telegraph    International News    Friday 4 
October 1996 Issue 499. 


UN covered up organ trafficking report, says Serbia

Published on 26 December 2010 - 12:22pm 

Serbia asked the international war crimes court for the former Yugoslavia to 
investigate a former UN chief in Kosovo for covering up a report on organ 
trafficking, a report said on Sunday.

Serbia's minister for cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for 
the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) wrote to chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz seeking 
an inquest into Soren Jessen Petersen, the head of the UN's mission in Kosovo 
(UNMIK) from 2004 to 2006, Blic newspaper reported.

"We are waiting for ICTY to open an inquest into UNMIK officials at the time 
for contempt of court," minister Rasim Ljajic told the newspaper.

Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty published a report earlier this month 
that linked Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to organ trading and organised 
crime, which Thaci has denied.

UNMIK investigated possible organ trafficking in 2004, but it did not take it 
further citing lack of evidence.

"At the time, UNMIK said it did not have a report on organ trafficking and had 
no proof ... But in 2008 our war crimes prosecutor obtained 16 pages of this 
report," Ljajic said.

Marty's report said Thaci headed a Kosovo Liberation Army faction which 
controlled secret detention centres in Albania, where the human organ 
trafficking was alleged to have taken place in the aftermath of the 1998-99 war 
between the guerrillas and Serbian forces.



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