Vincenzo Gianferrari Pini wrote:
P.S. I committed both branch_2_1_fcs and HEAD; comparing the two versions of JDBCMailRepository, I found some of the patches applied for mbox support (?) missing in HEAD. It may not be "politically correct" ;-) to say this, but aren't we risking that HEAD gets behind? It looks always a "pain in the neck" to keep them in sync.

Yes, 2.1 was supposed to be a maintenance branch while 3.0 (HEAD) was to be a bunch of new features and the new Avalon framework.

Unfortunately Avalon still doesn't have a unified release out, and we've been adding feature after feature to 2.1. Both are understandable results, but like you say, it's become a PITA.

I would very much like to see James on some "known" Avalon release, which I think is the biggest hurdle to shifting gears to 3.0. I don't know the latest with the Avalon project... should we consider Merlin, is there beta releases available? I know a lot went into getting 3.0 to where it is, but these branches are becoming very thick and an extra burden to keep in sync.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

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