Hi Everyone,

Following suggestions on this list, and a cookbook at
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ubuntu_On_OLPC_XO, I loaded kernel 2.6.31 from
olpc build 860 on top of XS-0.7.

After a few false starts, it comes up!

Now I'm confronted with the same problem I was having on the FitPc I was
trying to get going with XS-0.7.

The details:

   - Downloaded XS-0.7 and verified md5sum
   - Tried to load XS-0.7 onto FitPc2 from USB stick created by FC16.
   Failed at that.
   - Shifted over to CD install, and that worked.
   - Did the "xs-setup <domain name>", and "xs-setup-network", and got
   networking going (gateway, and ping by number to internet).
   - Started looking into failure of named (many errors in
   - Tried the Centos stock named.conf -- caching works if resolv.conf
   changed to include "nameserver localhost" as indicated by "dig yahoo.com"
   (second named querry served out of cache in much less time)

So I don't know enough to start looking into why "dig yahoo.com" would work
and "ping yahoo.com" would fail.

Any ideas where to look?

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