Hi James users,

First a short background info, what our company would like to achieve using 
James. We have several clients that need mass-mailing capability, thus we want 
to create a system that allows us to track these mails and especially store 
errors from bounces (also by using VERP), so we can block unreachable 
addresses. I created a few custom mailets to handle those requirements and a 
custom RemoteDelivery implementation for creating VERP style sender addresses. 
The storage is all done in a MySQL database via JPA. Currently we use it for 
one client which is not sending huge amounts of mails, around 80,000 per month.

The system works well, but it happens after a bigger batch of mails (around 
4,000 mails) that the mail queueing system gets somehow "stuck". The SMTP 
server is able to retrieve new mails, but somehow they don't get send out, 
until I restart the server. Sometimes a flush() on queue/spool helps, but most 
of the times a restart is necessary.

I added logging to my mailets when they start and finish to see if there is a 
problem, but they seem to run fine (no exceptions). It seems that the mails 
that arrive after James gets stuck get processed normally by the mailets, but 
somehow are not dequeued and sent out.

Server info
James 3.0 Beta3
linux 2.6.24-23-xen #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 03:09:12 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Frankly I'm not sure what is the best way to debug this kind of problem with 
James. I could find a few other threads with people describing similar 
problems, but I couldn't get closer to the problem.

Here some data from JMX that I took while the server was in "stuck" status.

INFO org.apache.james:type=component,name=queue,queue=outgoing
Size == 80
INFO org.apache.james:type=component,name=queue,queue=spool
Size == 0
INFO org.apache.james:type=component,component=mailetcontainer,name=mailspooler
CurrentSpoolCount == 0
ThreadCount == 20
TotalTasks == 0
AverageTaskTime == 0.0
ActiveThreads == 2
ActiveTasks == 2
QueuedTasks == 0
MaximalThreads == 2
TotalTasks == 4653
AverageTaskTime == 145.0
ActiveThreads == 20
ActiveTasks == 0
QueuedTasks == 0
MaximalThreads == 20

I also created a jstack output, as it was suggested in one of the threads I 
found. I can post it here as well if it could be helpful (I didn't do it now, 
because the file is quite large).

This is the logging output when a new mail is sent while the queue is stuck 
(IgnoreBlockedMailet and SendAttemptLogMailet are my custom mailets):

DEBUG 03:54:46,819 | james.mailspooler | ==== Begin processing mail 
DEBUG 03:54:46,819 | james.mailprocessor | Call MailProcessor root
INFO  03:54:46,827 | james.mailetcontext | IgnoreBlockedMailet called - 
recipients=[t.eichm...@eggsist.com (mailto:t.eichm...@eggsist.com)]
INFO  03:54:46,847 | james.mailetcontext | IgnoreBlockedMailet finished - 
recipients=[t.eichm...@eggsist.com (mailto:t.eichm...@eggsist.com)]
DEBUG 03:54:46,847 | james.mailprocessor | Call MailProcessor transport
INFO  03:54:46,863 | james.mailetcontext | SendAttemptLogMailet called - 
recipients=[t.eichm...@eggsist.com (mailto:t.eichm...@eggsist.com)]
INFO  03:54:46,927 | james.mailetcontext | SendAttemptLogMailet finished - 
recipients=[t.eichm...@eggsist.com (mailto:t.eichm...@eggsist.com)]
DEBUG 03:54:46,931 | james.mailprocessor | End of mailetprocessor for state 
root reached

What is missing is this part, which usually follows when the server is 
functioning (at least follows after a few minutes if the server is busy).

INFO  03:54:46,943 | james.mailetcontext | Attempting delivery of 
Mail1322620955282-2b903c2d-8378-4a10-848b-6ebd489182bf-to-eggsist.com to host 
ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com. at from bounce+t.eichmann=eggsist.com@???.com 
for addresses [t.eichm...@eggsist.com (mailto:t.eichm...@eggsist.com)]
INFO  03:54:47,671 | james.mailetcontext | Mail 
(Mail1322620955282-2b903c2d-8378-4a10-848b-6ebd489182bf-to-eggsist.com) sent 
successfully to ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com. at from 
bounce+t.eichmann=eggsist.com@???.com for [t.eichm...@eggsist.com 

There are a couple of mails that get re-queued 25 times (default limit for 
attempts) due to DNS issues (like no MX entry for a domain etc.) until they are 
bounced in the system. But I assume James should be able to handle such mails 
and new ones in the queue without problems.

Is there a way to examine mails that are queued and their status? Like how many 
times are they already being re-queued, why are they still in the queue etc.? 
I'm really not sure how I can debug this issue as I'm new to James. Any help is 
very appreciated.


Thomas Eichmann

EGGsist limited
suite 27a, tower b, oriental kenzo
dongzhimen, beijing, china
+86 (010) 84477066

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