Very true, such an update can be done during login as the password is
available at that moment.

I'll enhance the ticket.

Le 17/07/2018 à 12:56, Jean Helou a écrit :
>> Please first note that users' passwords are stored hashed in James thus
>> you would need anyway to change all passwords if you want to change
>> hashing algorithm.
> How about making this technical transition transparent for the end user?
> For a period support both hashing : the new one as the primary the old one
> as a fallback. Each time a password uses the fallback the hash of the same
> string is computed and replaced the old hash in the database...
> This way you get seamless migration.
> This is what play framework did when they switched crypto cypher for
> session signing
>> However, when using ADMIN API / CLI API, the algorithm is not change to
>> the latest one. I believe it should be the case (thus allowing rolling
>> hash algorithm upgrades).
>> I created this ticket, summing up the issue:
>> Do you want to give it a try? Contributions would be very welcome on
>> this topic, and I can offer you help if need be.
>> Cheers,
>> Benoit Tellier
>> Le 16/07/2018 à 23:20, Ashton Holmes a écrit :
>>> I recently changed my passwords to be hashed with SHA-512 however this
>>> change seems to only apply to new users and not when an existing user
>>> changes their password. Is there any way to make it apply when an
>>> existing user changes their password?
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