Hi Garry,

To answer your previous email:

At Linagora we rely on "LDAP user repository".

Yes, we are currently limited to "a mailAddres" -> "a mailbox account".
Shared mailboxes is not supported so far. That being said
"RecipientRewrite tables" successfully enables concepts like "Alias",
"Mail forwarding", "Groups", "Domain redirection". The
mailAddress<->mailAccount mapping is done at that level. Note that no
implementation of LDAP based RRT is implemented so far, but such a
component would make perfect sense and could be implemented/contributed
in the future.

I don't understand the "either we are moving away from file-based repos
or we aren't". All components have data-base alternatives. For the
example of the mailQueue that you took, there is an old-fashion file
implementation that I'd personally like to deprecate along with all the
other file-based-storages implemented in James. But an ActiveMQ
implementation is available as well as a RabbitMQ one.

"Dead letter" concept for "Mail processing" is implemented via
Mail-Repositories (/var/mail/error) and full support for reprocessing is
granted (at least in guice products).

(And you are right, we miss a JPA MailRepository implementation... This
sounds like a nice proposal of contribution!)

So I really do think that we are, as a project, moving forward to newer
tech. If you think we are missing something, then this should of course
be discussed.

And of course, on all these topics, all contributions are welcomed ;-)



On 1/31/19 11:18 AM, Garry Hurley wrote:

> A couple of questions. First, what is your usersrepository? If you store user 
> info in the database, yes, you would have to store each user in there. If you 
> store it in LDAP, you could store each entry as an inetOrgPerson object, or a 
> subclass of that, with a mailbox entry for that person. Then when you 
> authenticate against LDAP, you get the mailbox for delivery. The LDAP is 
> easier to maintain, but harder to work with and adds complexity if you don’t 
> already use it for something else. What seems like a trivial thing - a user 
> to mailbox mapping - to be implemented in the database is missing. Even an 
> ‘entity’ to mailbox mapping so that you could link a mailbox to a group or an 
> individual is missing. Also missing from the database is a dead letter queue, 
> which is still file-based. I can understand the tradeoff of security for 
> compliance with old-school tech, but either we are moving away from 
> file-based repos or we aren’t. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 30, 2019, at 11:00 PM, Benoit Tellier <btell...@linagora.com> wrote:
>> Hello Matt,
>> So as far as I understand your main need would be:
>> ```
>> WHEN I send an email
>> THEN it is stored in *myMagicRecipient* INBOX
>> Regardless of original recipients
>> ```
>> Quite surprisingly such a "Overwrite envelop" feature is missing...
>> Here is the JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAILET-163 Don't
>> hesitate to PR this ;-)
>> (Combined with a "not RemoteHostIs" you would achieve the rewritting you
>> need)
>> Cheers,
>> Benoit TELLIER
>>> On 1/30/19 4:13 PM, cryptearth wrote:
>>> Hello Benoit,
>>> let me try to re-phrase my goal:
>>> I've set up a clean install of opensuse 15.0 on my test-rig, named it
>>> glados, assigned it to my domain cryptearth.de, set sendmail as
>>> nullclient along with james 3.2.0 and want to collect any mail dropped
>>> by sendmail into a specific mailbox. The catch: As I also want to use
>>> sendmail to support mail() command for php, e-mails dropped in by
>>> apache should be routed extern.
>>> So: sendmail dropps in mails depending on wich service calls it. Cron
>>> for example uses gla...@glados.cryptearth.de - apache instead
>>> wwwrun@localhost - and my guess is that other services might use other
>>> combinations as well.
>>> Goal: When a mail is dropped by apache, wich is set to
>>> webmas...@cryptearth.de by using -f parameter in php.ini, these mails
>>> should go out as normal to they recipient. Any other mail should get
>>> collected into a special user, for example
>>> local-servi...@cryptearth.de or so.
>>> What I disconvered yet: When the domain wich is used by sendmail is
>>> not in the domain-list, james thinks it's an external domain and tries
>>> remote delivery. If the domain is in the domain-list, but not the user
>>> name - it fast fails to "no user". And if the user for the domain is
>>> also added it gets delivered into inbox without double in sent. It's
>>> that last one I want, but without adding any specific user for each
>>> services wich may use sendmail to try to local-deliver status-mails,
>>> wich sendmail usual would drop into /var/mail or ~/mail (or what ever
>>> it is default to).
>>> I dug through mailets and recipient rewrite and got some hints, but
>>> couldn't figure out some working yet. One think I come up with is add
>>> some to mailetcontainer wich re-writes recipient based on remote-host,
>>> wich for sendmail is localhost. Other idea I had: use some
>>> re-write-rule based on local hostname, but you recommended against
>>> using this way.
>>> Another possible what someone come up with: add my own few lines into
>>> source and re-build - but I don't know where to add as it's all very
>>> abstract and I'm not that pro of Java.
>>> Thanks to anyone in advance,
>>> Matt
>>>> Am 30.01.2019 um 05:15 schrieb Benoit Tellier:
>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>> I read the all thread but feel quite confuse about what you try to
>>>> achieve.
>>>> Could you describe it again? (`When ... Then ...` syntax can really
>>>> help!)
>>>> Don't be using regex rewrites - I guess nobody understand what it does.
>>>> Maybe you are interested by domain rewrites? Or do you want that all
>>>> mail received, whatever the recipient, goes to the same mailbox?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Benoit TELLIER
>>>>> On 1/28/19 9:57 AM, cryptearth wrote:
>>>>> Hey there, Matt here again.
>>>>> So, I think a found a possible solution without any source-file mods
>>>>> but
>>>>> only clever mailet-config in mailetcontainer.xml.
>>>>> As I dug through the source I found the standard mailets for
>>>>> RecipientIsLocal. Then I found RecipientIsRegex (I might need some help
>>>>> here). Also there is something called RewriteTable.
>>>>> I set up a fresh opensuse leap 15 - cron sends mails as
>>>>> <user>@<hostname>.<domain> - so I set up a small test-script and looked
>>>>> at log while running james in console mode: when the domainlist doesn't
>>>>> contain <hostname>.<domain> but only <domain> james thinks that
>>>>> <hostname>.<domain> is external and tries RemoteDelivery. So I added
>>>>> <hostname>.<domain> to domainlist. As I just had the domain, but not
>>>>> the
>>>>> user, the mail is denied as user doesn't exists for the domain. When I
>>>>> add the user as <localuser>@<hostname>.<domain> it gets local delivered
>>>>> without additional copy in sent folder. So as I don't want to set up a
>>>>> user for each localuser, but also want to avoid fastfail I come up
>>>>> with:
>>>>> What if I could early check for <whatever>@<hostname>.<domain> and
>>>>> could
>>>>> just re-write it to an existing account in form of <user>@<domain>?
>>>>> When
>>>>> recipient is re-written before RecipientIsLocal is checked, then this
>>>>> should trigger and just deliver any local mail from what ever
>>>>> service to
>>>>> the mailbox I want to.
>>>>> So I search through the source tree - but couldn't find anything to
>>>>> alter the recipient by mailet. All I found was the
>>>>> recipientrewritetable.xml file and the AddRegexMapping command
>>>>> available
>>>>> in james-cli.sh. The xml-config doesn't seem to help, but the
>>>>> AddRegexMapping command looks good, but I don't understand the command
>>>>> parameters:
>>>>> AddRegexMapping <user> <domain> <regex>
>>>>> Can someone get me some hint how to use this command? Or where/how I
>>>>> can
>>>>> setup the recipient-rewrite before RecipientIsLocal is checked?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Matt
>>>>>> Am 27.01.2019 um 15:20 schrieb cryptearth:
>>>>>> So, as far as I dug through the code, it seems to come down to
>>>>>> MailetContext.isLocalEmail(MailAddress) wich is checked by
>>>>>> RecipientIsLocal (wich I guess also involve somehow a check of
>>>>>> isLocalServer(Domain). In transport-processor there is the line
>>>>>> <mailet match="RecipientIsLocal" class="LocalDelivery" />
>>>>>> I looked into LocalDelivery.java, but I guess when this matches it's
>>>>>> to late to perform the test I want to about where the mail comes from
>>>>>> and where it should send. JamesMailetContext looks good, as it
>>>>>> contains isLocalServer(Domain), wich should also used to check
>>>>>> SenderIsLocal (wich shouldn't matter, as this test is performed by
>>>>>> source As far as I yet could identify, it all comes down
>>>>>> to somehow tell the config, that whatever domain sendmail uses (it's
>>>>>> either hostname or hostname.domain) is considered as localServer. The
>>>>>> wild-card alias shouldn't be any harder to find or figure out as I
>>>>>> simply have to rewrite anything that comes from local and is for
>>>>>> local, but isn't in localUserList, is re-written to whatever address I
>>>>>> want.
>>>>>> I'll report back when I found the lines to alter.
>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>> Am 26.01.2019 um 22:57 schrieb cryptearth:
>>>>>>> Currently I'm just using out-of-the-box after clean build. I'll have
>>>>>>> a look at the mentioned class and the mailetcontainer. Maybe I'll
>>>>>>> find my way around. Good James is written in Java - the one language
>>>>>>> I really know.
>>>>>>> Thanks for the point in a possible direction. I'll report back when I
>>>>>>> got something usefull.
>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>> ---- Garry Hurley schrieb ----
>>>>>>> Matt, are you using a custom mailet, or working out of the box? Take
>>>>>>> a look at the source for LocalDelivery.java
>>>>>>> <http://LocalDelivery.java>, and the configuration for local mail in
>>>>>>> your mailetcontainer.xml <http://mailetcontainer.xml> file. You may
>>>>>>> have to override some functionality to get the processing you want.
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2019, at 9:36 AM, cryptearth <cryptea...@cryptearth.de
>>>>>>> <mailto:cryptea...@cryptearth.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey there, Matt here.
>>>>>>>> So I got sendmail working with james now (tried postfix, but it
>>>>>>> always complains forwarding to localhost isn't supported as there is
>>>>>>> no option to ignore false loopback detection), and when used from
>>>>>>> apache with additional -f parameter all works good. But as there're
>>>>>>> other services might drop mail into local queue (crontab specificly)
>>>>>>> I noticed, that I'm still missing something. My goal is somesort of
>>>>>>> wildcard alias so that no matter from wich user sendmail gets a
>>>>>>> message, except the one I use for apache, it should redirect them
>>>>>>> internally to one of the user-accounts inside james itself. I guess
>>>>>>> there would be a simple solution if would like all mails to get
>>>>>>> forwareded, but I don't think there is a blacklist syntax so that
>>>>>>> mails from specific services with non-local recipients got send out.
>>>>>>>> Currently I'm using 3.2.0 <tel:3.2.0> final release commit. I also
>>>>>>> looked into the mailetcontainer.xml <http://mailetcontainer.xml> file
>>>>>>> and I guess it's possible in there to specify this rule:
>>>>>>>> redirect anything local, except address set in apache config, to
>>>>>>> user X, otherwise when from apache with non-local target -> transport
>>>>>>>> Could anyone maybe give me a hint?
>>>>>>>> Other solution: redirect anything local from sendmail to processing
>>>>>>> and with another task process the mails like some short lines of
>>>>>>> additional Java.
>>>>>>>> Matt
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