On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 16:08:32 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> When a virtual thread continues after Thread.yield it currently consumes 
> thread's parking permit. This is an oversight, the parking permit should only 
> be consumed when continuing after park.
> The changes are straight-forward. The internal "RUNNABLE" state is replaced 
> with UNPARKED and YIELDED state, effectively encoding the previous state. So 
> for the most part, it's just replacing the usages of RUNNABLE. The additional 
> states require refactoring tryGetStackTrace, this is the method that is used 
> for Thread::getStackTrace when the virtual thread is unmounted. It is also 
> changed to not not swallow the REE if the reesubmit fails (tryStackTrace has 
> to resubmit as the task for the thread may run, or the thread unparked, while 
> "suspended" and sampling its stack trace). The changes are a subset of larger 
> changes in the loom repo, future PRs will propose to bring in other changes 
> to get main line up to date.
> For testing the existing ThreadAPI has new test cases.
> Testing: test1-5. This includes the JVMTI tests as it maps the thread states 
> to JVMTI thread states.

src/hotspot/share/classfile/javaClasses.cpp line 1998:

> 1996:     case UNPARKED:
> 1997:     case YIELDING :
> 1998:     case YIELDED:

Is this new state `YIELDED` really needed?
It looks like `UNPARKED` is also appeared where `YIELDED` is used.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16953#discussion_r1414561935

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