Hi FB,

Looks as if the jobs are stuck in CUPS and haven't made it to SGD; that's why they don't show up in "tarantella print list".
Anything relevant in /opt/tarantella/var/log,

        tail -f  /opt/tarantella/var/log

Nothing! I believe one has to enable logging first in sgd, but I have no idea how.

        tail -f  /opt/sfw/cups/var/log/cups/

Nothing! :-(

 or in the CUPS logs (probably somewhere like /var/log/cups)?
It might be worth upping the CUPS LogLevel (in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf)

LogLevel debug

and restarting the CUPS daemon to see if that produces any more useful info.

Unfortunately not! I still get nothing in /opt/sfw/cups/var/log/cups/! :-(

        svcs -a | grep print

disabled       15:42:55 svc:/application/print/ipp-listener:default
disabled       15:42:55 svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default
disabled       15:42:56 svc:/application/print/server:default
online         Feb_13   svc:/application/cde-printinfo:default
online         14:30:46 svc:/application/print/cleanup:default

        ps -Af | grep cups

    root 22589 29309   0 14:33:38 pts/7       0:00 grep cups
root 21679 20793 0 14:28:22 ? 0:00 lpd://roehrs-SF280.smartsoft.de/tta_printer 3 ahoesch (stdin) 1 /opt/sfw/cups/ root 20793 1512 0 14:24:11 ? 0:00 /opt/sfw/cups/sbin/cupsd

Any idea? By the way, I am running all this in a zone! Is that a problem?



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