Hi all,

I'm trying to get mod_auth_radius to work with SGD, (or technically, Apache 1.3.36), but it appears that the module is failing with bus errors or segmentation violations, but only upon successful authentications.

I loaded the current module from freeradius.org, build and loaded it via apxs, and configured httpd.conf appropriately (I'll add it below). When I used a 'good' username/password, the RADIUS server sends an "Accept", and the httpd thread dies with a SIG#11. When I use a 'bad' username, it recognizes that and re-prompts. Truss doesn't really give much information, just that the thread received the packet, closed the socket, then dies. I'm not even trying to interact with SGD at this point -- I basically have added:

<IfModule mod_auth_radius.c>
AddRadiusAuth testing123 5:3
AddRadiusCookieValid 5

<LocationMatch /radius >
 Order Allow,Deny
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "RADIUS Authentication"
 AuthAuthoritative off
 AuthRadiusAuthoritative on
 AuthRadiusCookieValid 5
 AuthRadiusActive On
 Require valid-user
 Satisfy any

I've tried this with freeradius and, on the "real" system, Safeword Premier Access, and both have failed.. Anyone using this version successfully? (the CVS string in mod_auth_apache is out of date, but the internal rev history mentions 1.5.4, and the website says 1.5.7) Or has anyone run into something similar, and hopefully solved it?

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